Ebaum's world is cool, dude! I don't know what's wrong with you!
It's obvious why you don't know what's wrong with him. Because there isn't anything wrong with him. Ebaum's World is the epitome of a horrible site, filled with nothing but stolen movies and images, which HE makes money off of from advertising.
What about the IM prank, the prank calls, the soundboards? Now THOSE are signs of a true genious! :mrgreen: Besides, my brother always goes to that site, and did you know he has like, 183 friends made from Myspace? :shock: He's pretty cool, you know!
Everything from eBaum's World is stolen. Most of those soundborads were made by Azrag and eBum stole them while he takes partial credit for it. Also, the numa numa dance is from Newgrounds. Look it up.
Most of those videos were made by awesome, which he clevely stole and than claimed them for himself.
Not only that, but his jokes sound like something i heard from either Jerry Seinfeld or Rodney Dangerfeild, I really can't tell which, but at this time and place I don't care because all the jokes on his site blow.
eBum thinks that by removing watermarks and taking credit for this shit makes him a cool guy. He's just about as dasdardly as Bryan Waterman (Who is the epitome of the Flash world)
P.S. : Anyone who thinks having a lot of friends on Myspace is cool os obviously an idiot and should by locked up in a cage with a Russian tiger. He probably pays the people to be his friend, that eBum.