Wow, why does this sounds so obviously fake? Maybe because, say, IT IS?
and before someone begins whining and calls me heartless and tries to flood me with goatse pictures or makes a thread saying "LOL NMX SUX TEH COCK" I would like to point out I've obtained alll of the details from Jody and that she agrees with this post.
Now, tell me, Swiftman, you fool, what's with you and the whole tragic deaths thing? do you have a tragic death fetish or something? Ahem, anyway, why does this sounds like part of a crappy book, movie, comic book, porno, or whatever? and why does Faris' death note say "Swift" instead of whatever your real name is, considering she's supposedly a real life friend of yours?
*cough* Oh yes... what else? let's see, I already accused you about this all sounding fake... Hmmmm Oh yeah, if you're supposedly bleeding to death, I doubt you can actually type such a long message without falling unconscious.
Unless you somehow are a cyborg, but I doubt Faris was one, that, if she was even REAL.
Tell me, why does all of these people sounds like figments of your imagination to me? and why must they all die in an unlikely and tragic way? BECAUSE THEY WERE NEVER ALIVE TO BEGIN WITH.
Ha ha ha ha! Swiftman, you pathetic loser, tell me, is this some way to get people to sympathize with your pathetic ass? As far as I am aware, not even Lazlo believes this anymore, you're as bad of a liar as that moron, Oliver Eisler! if you're going to lie, at least do it well, you fool.
Now shut up, feel free to hate me (While you're at it, send me some hate mail so I can publically ridicule you.), insult me, try to come up with some really lame remark, or whatever, I don't give a flying fuck.
Oh, by the way, go get help, you fucking psycho.
~Nightmare X, administrator of The Trinity of Evil.