Good luck. It's a game you get when you put Sonic 1 on Sonic and Knuckles.
ANY game with Sonic and Knuckles. It's not just Sonic 1.
Plus, now playing both versions (Actual cart for Genesis and rom for Super NES), I've noticed that there are good and bad things about both.
Swift, I have no idea what you're talking about with the framerate and graphics. I noticed no slowdown on Super NES, while on Genesis I experienced some slowdown on the same part.
The sound for some reason, the voices are worse quality on Super NES, while it's usually better (For instance, compare the title song from EWJ 2 and notice how bad Genesis' quality is for voices)
Also, Jim only says "Yipee!" on both versions. I know he said "Weeee DOGEE!" on one part, but I can't remember.
As for everything else (music, etc.), it's a matter of opinion.