Nice to meet you all. I am sincerely impressed with this awesome site keep up the splendid work. Long live MM and MMX music!!!!
anyhow here I go. Listening to, X4 credits"
MM1. cutsman,elecman,bombman.
MM2. Bubbleman,quickman,metalman,flashman, wily's castle.
MM3. snakeman,sparkman,magnetman,needleman,geminiman,top
MM4. brightman,skullman,diveman,drillman,toadman,pharoahman
MM5. waveman,crystalman,stonerman,starman,napalmman
MM6. blizzardman,plantman,tomihawkman,knightman. Mr. X castle
MM7. Shademan,springman,freezeman,bass,
MM8. Frostman,swordman,aquaman, 2nd wily stage, credits
X1. opening stage, Zero, penguin,Eagle,Mandrill, sigma battle
x2. opening stage, sponge,moth,centipede,zero
x3. opening stage, buffalo,neon, sigma, zero.
x4. both openings X and Zero,peacock,dragoon, both blizzards,stingray,Iris,colonel, battle theme
all anime music, X4 credits" its a masterpiece.
X5. bat, squid,rose,paragus,Zero virus,Zero dies, X5 credits
X6. opening stage,heatnix,tortoid,sheldon,Sigma battle
X7. opening stage,Zero intro,stonekong,falcon,Red battle,Sigma
X8. opening stage,antonion,rooster,gateway,battle theme, sigma palace.
All these songs define great games without them I don't know where I would be. their is still more awesome songs within these games, I can actually listen to anything in MM to MMX, helps me concentrate on work, and in school. Thank you TPH for bringing these awesome songs together.