1997 was the year when I was 7, which makes it cool, because I was 7 and I
still kicked ass.
Yeah just kidding. *Cough*
With that said, I've probebly just ruined the relationship with my two best buds.
ZOMGWTFBBQ!!!! I'M SO UNLOVED!! *Is totally kidding*
But no, hopefully we can all get through this without losing any buds..
And I went and slept. Because that whole time that this little flame war thing was going on, I was like, going off two hours of sleep. Which made my already explosive temper go off quicker and more potently. But I've slept now, THANK GAWWWD, and I'm not so pissy about it. Actually I feel like an ass for leaving because I honestly don't really even remember making that thread. But how uncool would it be to just come back? But then again, when did I worry about being cool? XD But we'll see. The problems around here still tick me off. So it's not like coming back'll solve that, because I don't know how to help and will probably make things worse, which would be bad seeing as things are already all crumbly. But who knows? I'M ZO MYSTERIOUS, ZOMG, ULL NEVER FIGGER MI OUT R LYK WUT IM GOIN 2 DU, OLOL!!!!!
*Smacks self* Yeah sorry. *Cough* I'll be leaving now.