*sigh, angst is to follow this warning*
Ok, so I lost my gaming stuff and DVD's and a couple mangas mid-June. Oddly enough this was due to my mother confiscating them; she did it the day I quit my job. I was getting horribly stressed out and couldn't take it anymore. Bad idea, so I lost everything I owned.
This was no small amount by the way, this is like 3 boxes of gaming items. PS1, Ps2, Gamecube, Dreamcast, Genesis, and even my Computer for a whole month. Plus there was a DDR dance pad (which I modded onto a piece of plywood), around 120 games total, plus about 40DVDs. This was a lot of stuff. But it's gone now, she has it stored somewhere (I've doubted it's very existence).
POint is, she still won't give it back. I am apparently akin to a crack-addict and couldn't possibly manage my life once I obtain my games again. I can understand her taking it I suppose, but I am quite cross with her now. She has no reason to keep them from me, I am ready to leave the house once I finish school in about 5 months. So trying to discipline me without treating me like an adult is ludacris in my mind.
And it all comes down to the very fact that she doesn't believe there can be any good, much less entertainment value in gaming. I hate to see this; I do not simply like to play games. I have a passion for them. I look for artisitc quality within them. To me it is a like a painting or a movie that can be combined with music, and depending on the genre it can be something which takes great amount of skill.
That is my depression, it is not about not having my stuff any longer. Now it's about the fact that my mother disagrees with most things I consider to be artistic and of worth. I just want my stuff back and she refuses to acknowledge it as a pursuit worth even trying. *angst*