www.fantasyanime.comI have quit that place forthwith, and you've been there already Jody, and you weren't well recieved, so......... YEAH!
Here's another good one, but it's very low on members.
http://s12.invisionfree.com/VGC/index.php?And..... Another one, that I think would be a GREAT forum, had everyone from TPH joined it.
http://www.phpbbserver.com/phpbb/index.php?mforum=expertgamingfor&sid=e67f145cd521f2d05408ef3344611251That's my pal Galda's forum, that has....... 16 members, only 2 people who actually post there [me and Kai. Weeee....]
I highly suggest the last one, Expert Gaming. Jody, the first two can be ignored, the second is only Jehutys friends forum, totally not important *shot* but please, for your brother, join Expert Gaming. Please? *gives irresistable puppy eyes*
The same goes for the rest of you. I really, REALLY want Expert Gaming to be a success, cuz Galda ain't hte happiest of people, and if his forum got more people, well..... It wouldn't hurt, anyways.