Oh, no it's definitley not me. Same AIM screen name, same avatar (or what it used to be) and a link to my other NG profile with all my movies and such. Nope, definitley not me. ;)
Long story, but I'll tell you anyway. See, it all started out when I was playing around on my emulator playing some good ol' SMB 3. I recorded me playing the music with some instruments from the game and such and submitted it calling it a "Semi-Remix" on -SuperYoshi- (My real account). I got banned from submitting music because it wasn't my own work (sort of)....so I made this DJ_SuperYoshi screen name to submit my new music.
Anyways, I'm surprised how people find this stuff out. And yes, Lazlo, I DID put the Id3v2 tags and such in. But NG Audio portal gets rid of them anyway so if you download it that's why they're different. Anyways, thanks a bunch everyone. Glad you all liked it!