I saw the movie Sky High today. It's about a kid who is the son of the two biggest super heroes around, so he goes to Super Hero High School, better known as Sky High. There the kid finds out that despite his two super parents, he himself has no powers. Then the school gets taken over via an overly complicated evil villian plot, and the two parents are immobolized, so it's up to the kid to save the day. He then finds out he has both his fathers strength and his mother's flying. He then uses the help of some sidekicks to save the day in a glorius final battle.
Now, more on the school of Sky High itself.
Students are taken there via a bus. Yes, a normal, yellow school bus. It goes around the neighbourhood, picking up the kids. Then, on it's way to the school, it goes on a blocked off road and rides off of into the airborne, hovering school of Sky High.
After that, the freshman are taken into the gym to be introduced to Coach Boom, to be segregated into the Hero or Sidekick classes. If your power is good and powerful, then to Hero you go. If it can't do much, then you to go Sidekick classes. (think Hogwarts, only minus the year round staying, and the only houses are Hero and Sidekick)
Now, after your class is designated, you take several courses. Things like:
Math (If you are zooming at the villian at 40 MPH and he is barreling to you at 60 MPH, how long before you collide?)
Mad Science (build a freeze gun!)
and PE
One of the biggest thigns in PE (other than changing. You step behind a curtain, and a second later you're changed, ala many super hero stories) but the biggest game in PE is "Save the Citizen!"
Basically they strap a dummy (not you, Trigger. *shot) over a myriad of spinning, sharp blades. The timer is sett for 3 minutes. A team (usually 2) choose to be villians, and the others the heroes. The villians must prevent the the heroes from rescuing the citizen, and the heroes must rescue the citizen before the timer is up.
Now, after seeing this movie, I got a brilliant idea....
We'll do what we did with the ill-fated but still outragouesly fun Resident Evil: Moline. We'll take turns doing a novel-style mini-chapters, where we show our mishaps in the school of Sky High (we'll leave out all movie characters, otehr than the staff of the school)
Now, what I need from you all, is your Hero stats (we'll all be int he Hero class, right?)
I'll go first, for an example.
Hero name: Swiftman
Mild-mannered alter ego: Devon Kirk (or just Kirk, cuz that sounds sounds better than my snobbish first name)
Powers: Higher than average running speed and extremely high agility
Main personality traits: Slightly random, a reminencer (one who reminences), can be a charmer if needed, but doesn't want to be [nor has the need
Ulterior skills: Operation of old computers, useage and workage of mechanics, operation of new computers, and the BEST to have on a dodgeball team
Now then..... Everyone who wants to join, say your skills and stuff, and we'll get underway!
(quick quote stats for you:
Hero name:Mild-mannered alter ego: Powers: Main personality traits: Ulterior skills:[/quick quote]
You can introduce whoever you want in the story, so long as the amount of characters doesn't go overboard. Write in standard novel format, ala Snowcraft and RE: Moline.
And most of all, HAVE FUN!