So, like... I'm feeling all down on myself today. I guess it's just one of those weeks that occur once or twice a year where I feel worthless and go into emo-dork mode. I'm really sorry. I don't like dumping my problems on my friends, but if I can't go to you guys, who can I?
As some of you may know, my life ain't that glamorous, and, as much as I don't like to admit it, it downright sucks. The real life that is, internet life is fine, I guess. It probably stems from the fact that I don't know how to talk to people, which was evidenced by the fact that most o fmy closest friends were around today, and I didn't say much to any of 'em.
Oh well, let's not dwell on this. I'm just posting this as an apology in advance for me being down this week. I really don't like not having fun, and even moreso when I think I might be effecting my friends with my bad moods. Bah, just let me ask ya'll a favor: Please make me laugh. Laughing is the best thing one can do to lift any dour mood, in my opinion.
(And just so you know, this isn't the fault of anyone here, just a bad mood. Seriously, I love you all like a surrogate family. A really messed up family where incest occurs on a daily basis, but a family nonetheless.)