Author Topic: A final farewell to a friend  (Read 14652 times)


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A final farewell to a friend
« on: July 16, 2005, 07:25:39 pm »
Today, on July 16, 2005, was the funeral procession for my best friend, Kelly Brian Johnson, better known to all of you as Kagemitsu.

Kagemitsu was amongst the nicest people in this whole world that I have known. He always wanted to give and share to others, but he never could very well. He had nothing to give, other than the promise of his undying friendship. It broke one's heart to see him sad, and it livened one's face to see him happy. He wanted nothing more than a few good friends and time spent with them. This I gave to him, to the best of my ability, and I would say I had succeeded. I gave him a friend, and thus giving him many more. He had taken a special place in the hearts of me, Kary, Lacus, Broom, Garland and Galda. He had never met Galda, but he dearly wished to. Galda gave Kagemitsu a different kind of friendship then I did. Galda gave him purpose. Kagemitsu managed Galda's monthly top ten NES game votes, commonly done on Emureactor. It gave Kagemitsu such a feeling of pride that he had accomplished something that everyone benefited from.

Many of you don't know this, but Kagemitsu had fallen deeply in love with Lacus, a girl that had similar upbringings. They both shared tragedy after tragedy, all in the course of their lives. Many others would have given up if they had gone through what they had to, but they were the strong ones, and toughed it out. They were amongst the best of friends one could ever meet, but Kagemitsu was still always shy to her. He was never shy to Kary, but he always was to Lacus. He felt that his greatest accomplishment was successfully teaching Lacus sign language. He was planning on using her new found knowledge to confide his love to her, during the camping trip that I have enjoyed.

But, as we all know, this never succeeded. He took a tragic fall on July 1, off the edge of a staircase, and landed at the bottem, right on his neck. He died from that instantly, and I watched as it happened. I did not cry immediatly, but nor did I rush to him. I knew what had happened, and I knew nothing I oculd do could stop it. Kary and Lacus, who also witnessed it happen, were not so strong. They broke down and cried, because they knew what had happened. All I did was go to the phone, called the hospital, and told them that there was a body to pick up. The police came with them, and they gave me, Kary and Lacus a questioning. We told them the truth, and we weren't found guilty, and we just watched as they wrapped up Kagemitsu's limp body and drove off. After that, I went to my room, turned my ocmputer on, went to TPH, and told everyone on here of what happened. It was  then that the knowledge truly sunk in, and my eyes began to leak onto the keyboard. In a way that was good, since it needed a cleaning under the keys. But, as I wrote those words on TPH, I went onto MSN messenger, and saw Sophih and Trigger online. With the help of those two people, I became happier. I was extremely saddened and disheartened before that, but those two put me straight. For that, I am indebted to the both of them. Sophih's caring words and Trigger's unfalliable wit and humour made me a happy person once again.

What I made this topic for is for all of you, the frequent goers of TPH, is to pretend that you are standing over Kagemitsu's body in the coffin, as if you were paying your final respects.

Please. I would appreciate it, and so would Kagemitsu. If you dind't know him, then don't come posting: "I didn't know him. I don't have anything to say." If that's what you're going to say, then please, don't post. Leave this thread solely for the people that knew Kagemitsu to pay their respects.

Thank you.


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A final farewell to a friend
« Reply #1 on: July 16, 2005, 07:33:52 pm »
I will miss you a lot, my friend Kag. I'm very happy to know that I gave you a purpose ^^ I'm going to miss you soo much. Swiftman, I'm glad you were able to get back on your feet, as I have :)


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A final farewell to a friend
« Reply #2 on: July 16, 2005, 07:37:05 pm »
Anyone can be knocked down, but it takes strength to get back up. I was knocked clean off my feet from this, and it took Sophih and Trigger to help me up. Funny that I had seven horrible things happen to me in one week. Bleh. Good thing I have something to help me through it.


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A final farewell to a friend
« Reply #3 on: July 16, 2005, 07:45:51 pm »


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A final farewell to a friend
« Reply #4 on: July 16, 2005, 11:55:56 pm »
Having recently lost someon I had know and, well, loved for many years, just last week, I can understand what you are going through and how you must feel.

No, I did not know him, and I cannot say that I have, but from what I have heard about him, he was a very nice person.  And what our world needs today, is more people, who could be just as good of a person, as you dear friend, Kagemitsu.

Losing a someone you have known and cared for is a difficult thing.  But in time, as I am sure you have herd many times now, and if not, you will, the memories that bring tears now, will bring joy to you in the future.

I have said my peace, and I hope you will understand that, even though I never knew Kagemitsu, I still feel an obligation to give my respects.
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Lazlo Falconi

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A final farewell to a friend
« Reply #5 on: July 17, 2005, 12:06:39 am »
That was beautiful Swiftman.
While I can't say I knew Kagemitsu very much, having only known him for less than a month, and can say he seemed like a very nice person. A person I wanted to be friends with.
Last week, I asked you when his service would be, and knowing that made me feel distracted all week. I kept thinking about how much I'd wanted to be there. Good bye, Kage, you'll be missed.
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RobotKnight Crystal

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A final farewell to a friend
« Reply #6 on: July 17, 2005, 12:58:44 am »
Well talked just once to him on MSN, but that was more than enough to see a bight boy there, happy I got a chance to talk to him once at least :) And I hope now he can transmit his feelings more freeling from where he may be =^.^=

Hope you are happy where you are Kag, meet you someday maybe :)
I love you, my plincess =^.^=


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A final farewell to a friend
« Reply #7 on: July 17, 2005, 02:20:17 am »
...I didn't really know him that well. When he had posted his introduction topic, I asked a few question, and he gave me answers. That's when I found out he couldn't talk.

Other then that, I never really spoke to him. But even I could tell he was a nice guy. Just from the way he treated other people when he talked to them here.

It's not fair that he didn't get to do what he wanted to do....But it's too late for that...

Today my hope of this all being made up died....I'll never get to know him well. I'll never get to ask him anything again. Too many things that could have happened for him, won't.

Swift, when you see him in heaven some day. Give him a little shank and tell him Trig says hi.
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A final farewell to a friend
« Reply #8 on: July 19, 2005, 07:38:34 pm »
he will be user #72 on this forum forever.


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A final farewell to a friend
« Reply #9 on: July 19, 2005, 07:56:08 pm »
Kagemitsu. I came to late to know you, but from all that I've heard, you sounded like a wonderful person. I would have enjoyed knowing you, seeing as how we both shared a passionate liking for Descent. I would have fired a homing missile at you anyday of the week. ^^
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Pirate Cortez

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A final farewell to a friend
« Reply #10 on: July 20, 2005, 11:40:37 am »
Rest in piece, buddy.....:(


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A final farewell to a friend
« Reply #11 on: July 20, 2005, 08:11:33 pm »
yes, rest in PEACE

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A final farewell to a friend
« Reply #12 on: July 22, 2005, 02:44:17 pm »
Ah, Kagemitsu. I remember you so well. I remember the scared look on your face when I first met you, I remember the look of shock on Broom's face when you beat him at Metal Warriors, the pure happiness you had when you had successfully taught Lacus sign language, and most of all, I remember how you had touched us all in ways that can't be described in words. Your endless facial expressions  were always fun, and you always had one for whatever you were feeling.

Rest, kind friend. Someday we'll meet again, but in a better place that Swiftman's basement.
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A final farewell to a friend
« Reply #13 on: July 23, 2005, 06:24:23 pm »
I never met you Kagemitsu, and I'm sorry I could not have yet, but I'm sure we will do someday, in whatever awaits us after this life, and I'll look forward to it :) All our thoughts and best wishes are for you here, dedications to someone I feel was for sure a wonderful person. :)

May you walk forever in light, love and happiness :)
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A final farewell to a friend
« Reply #14 on: July 25, 2005, 01:35:28 am »
Now for my part again....

Kagemitsu.... You were a great person. You suffered through too much  that someone like you deserved. All you wanted was friends and time spent with them. I hoped that I provided these to your satisfaction. I like to help people who need help, and I do so the best I can.

When I saw the sad, mute boy in my grade ten science class trying to say photosynthesis in sign language, I knew that I would have to help you. I knew sign language as a little something I did when bored once, and I'm extremely glad I did learn it. To think that a few days of boredom (caused by the fan breaking in my Aptiva) could lead to so much.... I had gotten my best friend out of it.

Yes, I said best friend. Sure, I've known Kary all my life, and yes, Broom is wicked at Starcraft, but you and I, Kag, we were something different. We shared EVERYTHING. You were the first person I told about me and Morrigan, and I was the first one you told about how you felt for Lacus. I have a reputation for being an expert secretkeeper, but I sometimes wonder what you would say to what I've done, telling TPH about your love for Lacus. I once thought that you would be angry, but then I thought that you would not have wanted something like that to be kept secret, known only to me and Clest. You would have wanted Lacus to know, even if you didn't tell her, and even if it would have hurted her. It's just for the better in the end, and that's what you always strived for.

You always dealt with immediate pain extremely well, knowing that it would make you a stronger person in the end. That is what you always wanted, and it is what you did. If you lost to Tiamat in Final Fantasy, you never got mad. You then knew the strategy for the next time you fought him, and you beat him horribly. Wonderfully. Your only problem was fighting Warmech before that, but you dealt with him even better than Broom did.

Kagemitsu..... If I had known you before you had lost your voice, I doubt I would have found you as interesting. It was kind of fun, trying to guess what your voice would be like. We knew we would never know, but we made fun speculations some nights, like when the power was kicked out one night in winter, and the furnace stopped working, so we all slept in the same room for warmth. So, me, Broom and Garland started making voices, trying to see which one would work best. None of them could really fit you. I guess, part of that appeal you had was being someone that you couldn't make a voice for. It was simply impossible. Sure, your mom and dad knew what you sounded like as a kid, but puberty would have fixed that, and rendered that voice memory useless.

But, I think I have said my share effectively.

Galda, Bladegash, Skull, Lazlo, Clest, Trigger, Protoman, Faris, Pirate, Herb, Kary, Laura, thank you for your kind words.