Welcome to my nightmare.
Yup, that's my computer.
My stereo, complete with Sonic plushie and a ton of N64 instruction manuals (Don't ask why they're there, I honestly don't know)
That's just me being my messy self. There's random PC games there like Sonic CD and even Mario Teaches Typing 2 XD
Here's where all my systems are hooked up. There's more systems in my closet (not enough room), but I can't show you because the webcam's cord isn't long enough. Only one can be hooked up at a time too, heh. If you look really close, you can see like 15 Genesis games on the floor XD.
Behold! My small ass TV! Yes, I have to hook up my games through a damn VCR. And of course, my good ol' NES.
I'd show you everything in all of my drawers, but it's too dark in this room for the camera (stupid webcam), that's just where I keep all my NES and PSX games and stuff. There isn't much that I can show you really XD.(I have a crapload of games in my closet, and boy do I mean crapload.)
I'd show you guys more, but hell, I'm lazy