Mr. Big was a great band during their 14 year career. Eric Martin is a great vocalist, and Billy Sheehan has been called the Eddie Van Halen of Bass. Although these guys continued to be popular in other parts of the world like Japan, they didn't make that big of an impact in their american homeland, and that's a shame because they could've been the next Bon Jovi. My favorite Mr. Big album is "Hey Man". These are my favorite Mr. Big songs (this list includes songs that aren't on "Hey Man"):
Addicted to that Rush
Wind Me Up
To Be With You
Just Take My Heart
Voodoo Kiss
Colorado Bulldog
Promise Her The Moon
Take Cover
Goin' Where The Wind Blows
Trapped in Toyland
Dancin' Right into the Flame
How Does It Feel
Let's hear it for one of the
BIGgest bands of all time!!!