Realizing the futility of staying outside, Swiftman ventured into the Skvier, so see how Kary and Lacus were doing.
Walking swiftly, as he always does, to the lounge room inside the Skiver's complex, Swiftman saw the two of them using two seperate keyboards on the same computer, both hooked to a large TV. They both were fighting on Marvel vs Capcom, and Lacus was doing unexpetedly well.
"Hey, girls. Seems the fight is on hold until Lazlo is done his movie. It could resume tonight late, but I don't think we should stay up that late again. Last night was.... Far too late...."
Kary paused the game. "Really? Lazlo ditched us when the fighting was getting good? Pheh. Some man he is." She said and returned to the game.
Trigger popped his head in the lounge. "I'm far more the man Lazlo is! I mena, look at me! I'm so secure in myself that I'm wearing nothing but a leaf!"
"Swiftman..." Kary said. "Could you do us a favour?"
"Consider it already done." Swiftman said. Without turning, he gripped Triggers face, spun it 360 degrees, then punted him out of the Skiver.
"Own3d." Swiftman muttered and returned to the lounge.