Sadly no, I am not Tigre. ::nods at protoman:: I hope that doesn't dissappoint you all too much, Trigger especially. :P You're an interesting group, and something really is hammering at my nostalgia bone here. Of course you're all very familiar with each other, and it's always difficult to break into a something like that. You all should know, I have a knack for being very honest, a truth whore, for better or worse. So, I hope to stick around and explore my mind while I get to know this place again. If things don't work out, other things in life await.
Okay, what is shanking? I must know what is being done unto me! I get the feeling Swiftman should hold on to his shankbagging title. ><
P.S. - Swiftman, sorry about your troubles. I won't say much since it's usually a bit forward and rude (imo) for someone who doesn't know you and whom you don't know to advise you in such personal matters, but Trigger's right in many ways. The only thing I'd change is that it's not just doing what's fun, it's doing what's right for you. Sometimes, that includes crying a little. It's almost creepy how similar your situation is to something I experienced a few years back. I won't pretend to know all the important details, but if you care to, know that if nothing else, you're not alone. One's burden is half as heavy to an understanding friend, or even an understanding stranger. ;) Hang in there mate.