Author Topic: My thoughts on this gaming generation (7th gen)  (Read 6939 times)


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My thoughts on this gaming generation (7th gen)
« on: July 14, 2007, 12:23:40 pm »
I wouldn’t consider myself a fanboy ( I don’t even own any of the current gen game consoles at the moment), but anyone (Like DukeOfFortuneMan) who knows me damn well, knows I have a lot of bias for Nintendo, because I grew up playing Mario, Mega Man, F-Zero, Metroid, Zelda and Castlevania franchises that all premiered on Nintendo consoles.

It’s really  funny that so many people indict others of fanboy-ism when they're clearly biased fanboys themselves. The supposed “failure rate” of the 360 is no higher than the failure rate of the PS3, or even the PS2 when it came out. Read the sales charts, morons : 360 has outsold the Wii and PS3 by DOUBLE the amount of their current sales. This is not a OMG I LOVE MICROSOFT statement, but rather a well established fact. PS2 more or less sold badly until key games like Metal Gear Solid 2, Grand Theft Auto III and Final Fantasy X came out about a year after it’s release.

Among the many critics of 360, one common complaint besides the whole EXBOKS ONLEY HAS MADDEN AND SHOOTING GAYMZ is the whole “ring of death” thing. Complicated technologies, no matter what the medium will always have problems. And if you look into it some, about half of the 360 failures aren't Microsoft's fault - it's due to the crappy DVD drive that their third party subcontracter provided them with because their cheap assholes. I personally will buy whatever system has the games that I want. 360 has a huge library of sexy games like Kameo : Elements of Power, Dead Rising, Gears of War, Lost Planet, Forza and other neato stuff on it right now, and I’m sure it’s only gonna get bigger by the end of the year. Nintendofags like good ol’ KingNecroPope (Who, I know in real life, heh) are too chicken to admit this.  And, I’ll probably get a 360 sometime next year.

PS3 is pretty neato I guess. The USB charger controller idea is a smart one by SCE, and I salute them for it. One thing I noticed when playing some PS2 games ( Metal Gear Solid 3 and Gredius V) at DukeofFortuneMan’s house was a serious drop in framerate at certain points.  But, if you check the games list for the PS3, there’s hardly enough games for me to merit buying one yet. The PS3 has Resistance and Ninja Gaiden Sigma which unfortunately are really the only games worth buying that aren’t cross-platform at the moment. With all the boring sports games and the third party companies making their big titles cross-platform, I don't see any logical reason to shell out 599 US dollars for a PS3 yet. Guns of the Patriots is close to a killer-app for me but I don’t think I’ll waste a small fortune to tie up some lose end in the Metal Gear saga just yet. PS3 is impressive from a technical standpoint, although they seriously need to start rolling with some games. As much as I love my PS2, I have doubts that in a year, there will be enough games to convince me to buy a PS3, and that's what buying a system should be all about - the games, not who makes it. That’s PS3’s problem, it ain’t got no game

And as for the Wii? Heh, I love it. I know a lot of Wii critics bad mouth the controller, but it really isn’t that bad as long as you’re not retarded with it. Wii is an interesting console, although it’s a gimmicky one, and it’s managed to find it’s success. I’m unsure how much longer this success will last for Nintendo, so I hope the best for all of them. WarioWare, TP and Super Paper Mario are awesome from what I played of them. The Virtual Console service is a nice addition, although I think in a way it’s a bit of a scam. Compared to XLA, it’s a little bit better because you don’t need to be online to play that jawn. Although, to me, it seems that Nintendo is waiting to release most of its biggest past hits until the demand for Wii is lower.  I really was pumped to get Super Mario Kart, Super Metroid and play some of the N64 games I wasn't able to buy back then.  The way games are released on Virtual Console is a load of shit. They just release a random heap of games in no logical order. It really shouldn’t be that hard to make these classic games work on Wii, considering many of them have been converted to emulations by amateurs since the mid 1990’s. There’s NO excuse : They should just dump their whole catalog on VC now.

One weak point about Wii is that the controller will not appeal to everyone, and will probably even turn some people off. Then there’s also the whole big shit about them being a pain in the pass to find, which I think is super weak. They seriously need to fix that shit, and manufacture more units.

As far as I’m concerned, the whole “console war” is less of a war, and more of a pointless argument that is waged by ignorant people. Everyone has different tastes either it be movies, music, food and the same goes for gaming In the end, if your a gamer and if there is a game that you really want to play, get it by any means necessary. That I think is what a true gamer would and should do. We don’t buy game consoles to say HEY EVERYONE LOOK AT ME I HAVE A SEGA DREAMCAST SEE MY DICK SOMETIME, we buy video game consoles to play games on it. You can hardly call yourself a video gamer if you loathe a video game console you’ve never played before for no particular reason. I swear, it’s so stupid that people are so hateful against a video games system. Each console have their strengths and weaknesses which neither one would determine a consoles demise. Honestly, I like all the new consoles. It’s not like any of them are Atari Jaguar, Atari 5200, CD-I bad. I’ll probably get Wii first when I’m actually able to fucking find one, because I’ve always had faith in Nintendo hardware and the 1st party games.
« Last Edit: July 14, 2007, 05:01:08 pm by Yaminomalex »