I have too many thoughts on the matter to explain my reasoning for them all...but I will try.
I think homosexuality is fine. Becuase it doesn't concern me anyways. Check out this one guy I know.
Same sex marriage is a threat to the stability of society, and I can only hope that the values of San Fransicko do not spread accross the US.
He seems to think its a bad thing. Why?
The United States of America was structured upon a Christian heritage. For better of for worse, it is an integral part of our culture that musn't be overlooked. To do so, would be to forsake the country's history and as such the country itself.
But, I strongly believe that ANYONE can do
whatever the hell they want to. If religion says something is wrong, then I say forget about that religion.
To justify what I mean, I'll explain the best I can.
I have my rights
just for being alive. It is government and our society that stops us. I can be gay, I can worship whoever the hell I want. I can say there is no god, I can go around saying "GAY PEOPLE SUCK!" and I can do all of that, and my government has
nothing to do with it.. Nature overrules government. In nature I have
every right imaginable, and even those not yet thought up. Government is what stops those rights, in order to do its job. And Ican be whatever I want, becuase its nature that decides what I can be, not government.
And to save time from someone saying:
I can be gay.
Yes, and you can also rape your mother and kill your father. Does that make it right?
I will explain justification.
You can do something, but without reason to do so, it will be wrong. Murder, under the right circumstances can be acceptable. Such as assasinating a Tyrant to set a country free, which would be an extreme case though. The action, is murder, the justification, is freedom of a country. Thats how I keep myself in line. If I don't have an acceptable reason, I'm not going to do it.
If someone has a reason, then I don't care if their gay or not. But if someone has a stupid reason like "Religion says its bad" then they can go screw a cow. Becuase religion doesn't mean shit.
Thats all I can remember at the moment.