You know theres one thing that stand out about Super Smash Bros. All the charactors are made and or created by Nintendo.
I was never really one to look at who made the games I played, becuase I was too busy playing them, but did sega make all of the games on their console themselves? I know they did create Sonic, but did they create Heddy, the Gunstar Heroes, and all the others?I really don't know if they did MAKE them, or just got the license to them to put them on their consoles. But if someone could tell me that'd be nice.
But the Sega Bros. idea has been thought up by alot of people before. Honestly I think i'd be cool, though Sega didn't really HAVE alot of games I got into alot.
Just Sonic, Gunstar Heroes, Toejam and Earl, Alesia Dragoon, Heddy, and a few others.