Ooh, I'm not good at Japanese games. If it were an English game I could probably tell you (I've played/know of A LOT of games...somewhere over the thousands, if not 5,000...I'm sadly not joking). I remember one time I was looking for 2 rare and underrated NES games for around 5 years (Rolling Thunder, and Thundercade, coincedentally, they both have Thunder in the name, heh). Believe me, you WILL find the game one day, like I said, it's happened to me. If you're desperate, though, just go to
www.emuasylum.com and try to find all the Japanese roms there are >.>
If that doesn't work. Go to GameFAQs' Super NES board, I know people like bashing it (I have no idea why), but the people there ARE very helpful.