Author Topic: Ian James Corlett's connection to Queensryche  (Read 11774 times)


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Ian James Corlett's connection to Queensryche
« on: September 26, 2006, 12:55:31 am »
One day in late '05, I was looking at the booklet for Queensryche's CD "Operation:Mindcrime", and under the "Thank You" section, I saw Ian Corlett (the voice of Mega Man in the US cartoon, and Dr. Wily in Captain N), and that same day, I sent an email to Ian, and I asked him:

Hey Ian, I saw your name in the "Thank You" section of
Queensryche's CD "Operation: Mindcrime". I really like that album. How did
you get involved in it? And what did you work with the band on?

About a day or so later (not sure how later), I checked my inbox, and Ian replied saying:

I programmed some of the drum tracks and helped them with some computer
I sold them some music gear in the old days and they were rehearsing in an
abandoned theatre here in Vancouver.

Good eyes!


Man, this is so cool! The man who does the voice of the Video Game and Cartoon Character I've idolized since I was 10 was involved with one of THE BEST hard rock albums ever made! I didn't really get into this album 'til late last year. I got interested after I saw the video for "Eyes Of A Stranger" on VH1 Classic, which was also later last year. And at the time, I didn't know the album told a story (like "Tommy" by The Who, or "The Wall" by Pink Floyd), but when I did, I got more interested in it, and I was anxious to get the album, and it wouldn't be long before I did! Anyway, our Blue Bomber has a connection to this awesome album and band! I still think "Eyes Of A Stranger" is the best song on "Operation:Mindcrime".


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Ian James Corlett's connection to Queensryche
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2006, 09:43:15 pm »
Pretty damn cool!


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Ian James Corlett's connection to Queensryche
« Reply #2 on: September 26, 2006, 09:59:12 pm »
That's pretty neat.  Queensryche is a damn good band.