suprisingly, the analog stick is amazing, but if its not your thing, you know they give you the choice of the stick and the directional pad on the far left side of the psp.
there are plenty of games for the PSP, not nessasarily as advertised as DS's, but they are good. go to best buy or gamestop, they'll have a huge selection of games and movies.
when I said that the PSP can download directly from the internet, I didn't mean that i had to connect the psp to a lab top via a cable and extract them. I meant I can go online, click on the link for the MP3 or Wav and download it directly. sometimes it will download even faster then a dell computer with only 1/3 of the connection, which is amazing for a PSP and sad for a dell.
and that's X and circle, not square. and don't you dare for get about the triangle. and no one could forget about L and R.