I doubt I'd play an online Starfox. Not only because I can't (dial-up, you kknow) but StarFox never was my favorite. Sure, I beat the SNES version and Starfox 64 was fun, but they just aren't my favorites. I prefer Privateer and Descent WAAAY more. (Don't make me take my Pyro-GX to your Arwing. It has way more weapons than the Arwing, and way more dodging capability (Like actual stopping!) Or maybe I'll take a Dark Archon to the Steltec drone from Privateer to you. Five Steltec guns, level9 shields, etc. You couldn't hurt it at all.
I probably lost you in all the nerd-speak. I'll clear it up.
In Descent, the ship you fly is called the Pyro-GX. It has 4-way strafing, 4 levels of lasers, other weapons, missiles, etc. It could stop, hover, forward, reverse, and other mobility extremes.
The Dark Archon from Starcraft, Brood War can take control of enemy units and you could do with them as you pleased. They were made by joining two dark templars.
The Steltec drone is the final boss in Privateer. It's out to get you because you stole an ancient weapon of vast power, and it wants it back. The only thing that can hurt it is it's own weaponry, the Steltec gun. You only have one Steltec gun, but the Steltec drone has 5. You can barely scratch the thing, but it can kill you in 3 shots. You better move fast...
Hope that helped. If we have a forum war, I'm gonna for sure bring in those elements.