Author Topic: Umm is mega manX a cartoon???  (Read 53814 times)

Lazlo Falconi

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Umm is mega manX a cartoon???
« Reply #15 on: July 05, 2005, 08:29:41 pm »
I once read a translation of a Mega Man X comic.. wish I could remember where it was...
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Umm is mega manX a cartoon???
« Reply #16 on: July 10, 2005, 12:46:24 pm »
I would be awsome but I hope it wont be the same graphics as the Old megaman Cartoons. You know, roll looks like a 30 year old person & crash man looks unhealthy. May be there a graphic like in Megaman X4 Small Clips.

Katon Goukakyuu no Jutsu Man.
Katon Housenka no Jutsu Damn.
Katon X-Buster 3rd Charge no jutsu Dude.


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The comics of MMX???---They're at ebay.
« Reply #17 on: July 12, 2005, 10:34:41 pm »

If you go to, and search 'megaman manga' or 'rockman manga' you should be able to find something there.  Check back from time to time if you don't see what you want.

I believe that they span from X1 to X7-the 6th I have yet to see for myself and I have only seen one or two  of X7.

Mostly X1-3, sometimes X4.  Most commonly the one that has Zero's face on it showing his hair without his helmet.  He has half a forehead of bangs-but I guess there has got to be a tradeoff somewhere.  Occasionally I see X5.  Now there's a whole lotta MMnetwork, originals, and mixups.  

Careful, while ebay is generally ok when you have the hang of purchasing, and eventually selling, there are con artists and creeps out there, as well as the less-than-ethical types who don't either give you anything, don't give you what you paid for as adverised, or service is lousy. for the most part it's ok. just watch those sleaze bags.

Oh yeah, there's plenty of action figures here and at other REPUTABLE places
and maybe
Some like toywiz will offer incentives to join-like discount coupons.

There are probably more places for comics like right at the publishing source(s). I don't know who these are or if they sell directly. sorry.

I'd be careful elsewhere from ebay and these stores-especially if you have issues about perverted hentai. Some people-probably most people into anime 18+ like it. (most aren't very well drawn)   Hentai comics of the legends series seems to pop up most.  They're common in Japan.  I guess those people must really be stressing with no life to be so obsessed.  Dounjishi i think these are called. Still there's ID fraud, weirdos, and the like.  

(If you're into it-take a a few drawing classes-don't potentially waste $ on something that may eventually be lost or stolen anyway and won't be worth squat (except frowns and laughter) for collectibility when we get old-the skills will last longer and you can make whatever you want to. )

For the rest of us, HOWEVER, I think we're all content with our imaginations and speaking to each other through forums and the music (THANX MUCHO!).  More decent that way I think.

Anyway, of action figures there are amreican and japanese styles.  Then there's just simply  the EXE battle network types.
You'd be LUCKY if you found any original series megaman AFs. There's the later produced manga types which are more common, and lastly there's the OLD originals AFs and minifigures which are HARD TO FIND! These originals look like the original cartoons which came out around the same time.  I have ONE 1994 protoman AF, and 4 minis--NOT FOR SALE!!!-- in my collection; Roll, Dr. light, cutman, and gutsman.   I just wish they made an original gemini man with a buster arm with either a red laser or a blue LED. (not a bad idea with a plastic molder...)

Good luck and happy megaman shopping Sophih.
ey beavis, huh-hu huh. Pull My finger, huhuh huh-huh.

Heheh-heh. No way! heh heh, heh.


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Umm is mega manX a cartoon???
« Reply #18 on: August 02, 2005, 05:55:45 pm »
Quote from: "Swiftman"
Through emulators. Go to and create an account there. it's easy, free, and you won't get anything annoying. B'sides, it's neccesary to get an account if you want the games. Once there, go to the forums and make a new post there asking how to get them working. The people there may be a little mean at first, but I'm a respected member there and I can make them be nice.
But anyways, the people at the emureactor forums can make you learn how to get emulators working better than I can. Just say you're a friend of Swiftman and your fine.

If you want better quality I suggest Their lists are endless, with great quality.


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Umm is mega manX a cartoon???
« Reply #19 on: August 02, 2005, 08:52:51 pm »
Quote from: "Crystalman"
Quote from: "Swiftman"
Through emulators. Go to and create an account there. it's easy, free, and you won't get anything annoying. B'sides, it's neccesary to get an account if you want the games. Once there, go to the forums and make a new post there asking how to get them working. The people there may be a little mean at first, but I'm a respected member there and I can make them be nice.
But anyways, the people at the emureactor forums can make you learn how to get emulators working better than I can. Just say you're a friend of Swiftman and your fine.

If you want better quality I suggest Their lists are endless, with great quality.

It's http://www.romreactor.NET by the way, I go there for GBA roms only, mostly because of it's slow speed and many porn ads.  For everything else, is your friend.

Lazlo Falconi

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Umm is mega manX a cartoon???
« Reply #20 on: August 02, 2005, 08:59:32 pm »
I thought emuasylum was shut down... And if you want slow speeds and porn ads, go to angelroms.
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Re: The comics of MMX???---They're at ebay.
« Reply #21 on: August 08, 2005, 04:16:52 am »
Quote from: "LaserDemon666"

If you go to, and search 'megaman manga' or 'rockman manga' you should be able to find something there.  Check back from time to time if you don't see what you want.

I believe that they span from X1 to X7-the 6th I have yet to see for myself and I have only seen one or two  of X7.

Mostly X1-3, sometimes X4.  Most commonly the one that has Zero's face on it showing his hair without his helmet.  He has half a forehead of bangs-but I guess there has got to be a tradeoff somewhere.  Occasionally I see X5.  Now there's a whole lotta MMnetwork, originals, and mixups.  

Careful, while ebay is generally ok when you have the hang of purchasing, and eventually selling, there are con artists and creeps out there, as well as the less-than-ethical types who don't either give you anything, don't give you what you paid for as adverised, or service is lousy. for the most part it's ok. just watch those sleaze bags.

Oh yeah, there's plenty of action figures here and at other REPUTABLE places
and maybe
Some like toywiz will offer incentives to join-like discount coupons.

There are probably more places for comics like right at the publishing source(s). I don't know who these are or if they sell directly. sorry.

I'd be careful elsewhere from ebay and these stores-especially if you have issues about perverted hentai. Some people-probably most people into anime 18+ like it. (most aren't very well drawn)   Hentai comics of the legends series seems to pop up most.  They're common in Japan.  I guess those people must really be stressing with no life to be so obsessed.  Dounjishi i think these are called. Still there's ID fraud, weirdos, and the like.  

(If you're into it-take a a few drawing classes-don't potentially waste $ on something that may eventually be lost or stolen anyway and won't be worth squat (except frowns and laughter) for collectibility when we get old-the skills will last longer and you can make whatever you want to. )

For the rest of us, HOWEVER, I think we're all content with our imaginations and speaking to each other through forums and the music (THANX MUCHO!).  More decent that way I think.

Anyway, of action figures there are amreican and japanese styles.  Then there's just simply  the EXE battle network types.
You'd be LUCKY if you found any original series megaman AFs. There's the later produced manga types which are more common, and lastly there's the OLD originals AFs and minifigures which are HARD TO FIND! These originals look like the original cartoons which came out around the same time.  I have ONE 1994 protoman AF, and 4 minis--NOT FOR SALE!!!-- in my collection; Roll, Dr. light, cutman, and gutsman.   I just wish they made an original gemini man with a buster arm with either a red laser or a blue LED. (not a bad idea with a plastic molder...)

Good luck and happy megaman shopping Sophih.
I don't think u should trust Ebay. They can rip u off when it comes to conditions, and, most importantly, your money. May I suggest the shop store in if u want Megaman mangas?  :wink:


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Umm is mega manX a cartoon???
« Reply #22 on: August 13, 2005, 09:06:50 pm »
If there was oneback in the 90's in america, it would bebitch slap deluxe for a half hour  :wink:

Web Spider

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Re: Umm is mega manX a cartoon???
« Reply #23 on: April 14, 2007, 01:07:45 pm »
I hear there's some Rockman X comic in Japan or something. I don't believe there's a TV show for it though.

It would be cool if there was a cartoon.

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Re: Umm is mega manX a cartoon???
« Reply #24 on: April 15, 2007, 01:06:32 pm »
I hear there's some Rockman X comic in Japan or something. I don't believe there's a TV show for it though.

It would be cool if there was a cartoon.

Or a anime.
( Note ) Im new to this forum.