It began this morning as my Dad was driving me to school. There was a light drizzle, nothing to special. About half-way to school, my Dad said "So, did you bring an umbrella?" I stupidly replied "Nah, there's only gonna be drizzling today" After that, he started mocking me and saying "Heh, let's see what valuable lesson you'll learn today" As we came closer to school, we saw a couple kids walking. My Dad pointed at them and said "Look at those guys. They're just a bunch of chimps. They don't know how to shield themselves from the rain!" I rolled my eyes. As he dropped me off he uttered these words. "Good luck", then he laughed as he drove off. (The drizzling had stopped) For most of the day, there was barely any rain, most of the day was light drizzling. Then, it was the last 5 minutes of school. If there was no rain, I was home free and I could go home and rub it in my Dad's face. HA! I didn't need an umbrella. Then, it started pouring outside....... really hard. Yeah, so, My Dad picked me up at the farthest location from school while still being on campas and laughed in face. I got owned.
Moral of the Story: Your parents are 99.99 percent of the time right. =P