What's a VG quote thread without the classic....
"I see you've stumbled past the grunts, but you're going to have to dance with fire to beat me!"
-Raven, One Must Fall
Perry: BARF!
-Pretty much anybody on River City Ransom
"Hey, stop, you're hurting me."
-Moose after you smash his face in on RCR
"Are we having fun yet?"
-Same thing as BARF!
"Dirty shoes on my clean gym floor!"
-Ivan I think his name is, first stage of River City High
And now for a line of Brain Lord quotes....
Is this guy the town's thermometer?
Now...... For the shopkeepers of Brain Lord!
From Blunt as hell.....
To Condescending jerks....
To complete ass-kissers.
And fr good weapon quotes....
Rocks AND stones? Wow, this thing's DAMN NEAR INVINCIBLE!
Oh, like I'm gonna wear it NOW.
Armor of +3 sexiness?
Yet despite all that, I love Brain Lord. I just don't know why, though..... Must be that ARPG ness to it....