Ok, I got a good one.
Samuel L. Jackson, Dr. Robotnik, Wario, and Bill Cosby were walking down the street. You know, looking for the local Acme to buy their trusty light sabers to defeat the evil Bubsy menace. All of a sudden, an army of Robots, Pirates, Ninjas, and the Kool Aid Man as their leader, began to attack the Force of Triumphant Peanuts. They, too, were there to take on the evil Bubsy menace. Then, Dr. Robotnik had a plan. He then proceeded to rip off his pants, and run out into the street screaming "I'M A MONKEY! I'M A MONKEY!" over and over. Bill Cosby was confused by this, and proceeded to have a nice tasty snack of Jello pudding. The robots, pirates, and ninjas were not amused at Robotnik's feeble attempt at masonry. The robots then shot Robotnik in the ass. His one weak spot, mind you. Robotnik was dead. Samuel L. Jackson was extremely angered at this horrific turn of events, so then got out his trusty bionic arm and then destroyed all of the robots, the pirates and ninjas were trying to escape, but Wario had taken care of most of them with his missles of doom. The Kool-Aid Man was not pleased by this. He then summoned the power of Greyskull and formed into Kool-Man, the most feared being in the history of the entire universe. With their combined powers, Bill Cosby, Wario, and Samuel L. Jackson tried to rid the world of this evil menace. Kool-Man had then used 3 of his 7 arms to grab hold of the three remaining members of the Force of Triumphant Peanuts. It looked bleak from that point. He could have easily killed the three of them, but no, he wanted to make them suffer. This was a grand mistake, and it would be Kool-Man's last, because just then, a light saber went straight through his body, spewing gallons upon gallons of Strawberry Kool-Aid, the blood of this monster. Robotnik still had a few ounces of strength left, after all. That is, after all, what you should expect from a member of the Force of Triumphant Peanuts. But, they were careless. They seemed to forget about one thing. One big, big thing. The evil Bubsy Force. They had completley gotten off track by Kool-Man's evil army, they were not prepared. Did this stop them from their fight? Of course it didn't. Robotnik, picking up the same lightsaber used to destroy Kool-Man lunged forward at Bubsy. It was too much. Bubsy summoned the Power of 1,000 CD's. All of a sudden, CD's upon CD's of unsold copies of Bubsy 3D were being thrown from everywhere. They knew the time was right. They had to morph. All of their bodies combined transform into the great and powerful Dr. Wright. With his green hair of doom, Bubsy trembled with fear. Dr. Wright jumped high into the sky and crashed down on the once great Bubsy, completley destroying this monstrocity of a villain. The battle was over. But the war? No. Not by a long shot.