"Say, does anyone know why Kirk stayed behind?"
The wind on the top of the school was much more powerful than that on the ground. Jody's hair waved in the gusts, which Guy made more powerful occasionally for fun.
Jehuty was sitting on the roof, eating a bagged lunch he had brought, which was a smart move, really.
"ARRR-itego!" He pulled out a plastic bag. "Doritoes!"
There was an immediate swarm to try and take the chips from Jehuty, but he used his ninjitsu skills to avoid all those attempting to take his precious chips.
A loud yell had tore through the scene from below.
Guy was the first one to the edge. "Hey! It's Kirk!"
Kirk gave a wave from the surface.
"Hey, Kirk." Robert appeared by the edge with a cocky grin across his face. "Bet you're not swift enough to get up here."
Kirk returned the grin. "Aren't I, Rob?"
Acting instantly, Kirk dashed straight for Robert. he hurtled headlong against his face, but he didn't realize what was coming before it was too late.
Suddenly Jehuty's hand grabbed Robert in the cuff of his shirt and he yanked him out of Kirk's way.
Kirk turned around in midair and landed facing the group.
"Kirk! How'd you do that!?" Guy asked excitedly. "Can you fly?"
He shook his head. "Nope. I just can dash in any direction, like on CV, CotM." Kirk faced Jody and nodded at her. "Hey sis."
She cracked a smile and gave a little wave. "Hi, Bro!"
Trigger looked incredulously at Jody, then at Kirk. "You two are...."
Kirk and Jody nodded. "Yep. She's my sister." He said to the stunned crowd.
Trigger closed his eyes in frustration and yelled out. "You couldn't have told me that BEFORE I went to all the work of charming her!?"
Kirk shook his head. "Nope! And things are better when you earn them. I know what Jody is like. If you managed to get her to stay with you after trying to charm her or whatever, then you did good. Thumbs up, soldier!"
Kirk stuck a thumbs up at Trigger, who looked from Kirk to Jody and back again.
"Wait wait." Guy said and waved his hands in front of him. "If she's your sister, then how come you didn't get on the bus at the same time as her?"
Kirk sighed. "Parental problems, different kids went to different parents, long story short, we live in different houses."
"So if you joined Sky high in the same year, are you twins?"
Kirk shook his head. "No no no. She's shorter and has brown hair. I'm freaking tall and dirty blonde. Do we LOOK like twins? We're just born 9 months apart."
Guy nodded in agreement, all his questions answered.
Kirk sighed, sat down and leaned on his back, looking up at the clouds in dismay.
Jody's face appeared in Kirk's field of view. "Sumthin wrong, Swift?"
Kirk waved a hand. It's nothin. Dun worry bout me."
She sat down on his chest. "It must be SOMEthing if it has you acting like this."
Kirk shrugged. "It's minor. I'll have it dealt with by tomorrow."
Jody nodded slowly and continued to sit on Kirk, but only got up when Trigger threatened to sit on Kirk too.