...And the Green Ranger, and Marth (as a robot), and Waluigi, and Toad, and Waluwario, and Maruigi, and Raichu, and Bill Nye the Science Guy, and George Bush, and Protoman, and Sonic, and Metal Sonic, and Bugs Bunny, and a giant steel dildo in a Bugs Bunny suit.
Look, what I'm trying to say here, is that new characters are fine and all that, but there is a point where it goes over the edge. The SSB series is supposed to be when NINTENDO characters beat the shit out of each other for no reason, and the 3rd party shit is a bonus feature. It's nice to dream, but if they go too far off track, the game will become a cameo show Abe Lincoln WWE Smackdown Marvel vs. Crapcom, and no one wants that.