:evil: Hey Yaminomalex. I just read your reply and I'd like to say GO FUCK YOURSELF UP THE ASS WITH A MEAT CLEAVER YOU MOTHERFUCKING BASTARD!!! Who the hell cares what you think. That retarded clip loop of Brock licking some pokemon makes you seem like a stupid petophile. You are so full of yourself! Oh, and by the way, Foamy rules! So why don't you go put any one of your relatives and/or pets' heads up your asshole so someone can tell you how much shit your full of. Burn! Burn!! Burn!!! Dickhead.
Let me tell you a little something
Comments on the Underlined- Not only should that be punctuated with a ?!, not a . , but you also just proved that your message will not change a thing, and therefore has no purpose. You are contradicting yourse;f with this statement, and therefore have no grounds to hold a decent argument. Period.
Comments on the Bold- Petophile and Pedophile are different things. Also, Pokemon does not equal pedophile. Not only is that only a matter of opinion and has no solid evidence, but it also shows that you think children's shows are retarded (Ever think that could offend someone?) just because they were not intended for you. Now you're a selfish whiner. Also, licking doesn't just go with children's genitals. Just making that connection shows that you are way too obsessed with said topic.
Comments on the Italicized- Burn?! Wow. You've gone from a whiner to a hypersensitive, overacting, crying pyro goth. How does this work?! Also, dickhead is pretty much the stupidest insult alost anyone could conceive. My shoe size is higher than your IQ!