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Messages - Cosmosis45

Pages: [1]
About myTPH / Newbie Suggestion/Question
« on: October 20, 2005, 11:48:28 pm »
Hello all,

I just registered for the forum, and, indeed, never visited it before tonight--I know, I should have. I wanted to start by saying that TPH kicks SO MUCH ASS. It is so hard to find video game music, especially great game music like the Mega Man stuff, online in a non-remixed format, or even at all. This site rules for that, and I've mentioned it whenever video game music has come up in conversation with friends of mine who are Mega Man and/or video game fans.

Alright, now the suggestion. Maybe request would be a better way to describe it, but I'm new and unsure. Anyway... the music from the original Starfox on SNES was really good stuff. Could that maybe be put on the waiting list of music to do?

And finally, the question: I think I remember seeing music from Metroid Prime available on this site a long time ago, like way back before it was all bit torrent for a while. If I'm not imagining things, what happened to those files and/or why are they no longer available? And if I am imagining things, could Metroid Prime also be put on the list if it isn't there already?

I know I e-mailed these questions to protoman at the general website e-mail, but I realize now that this forum is really the more appropriate venue for this kind of thing. Sorry for the giant post ^^;;;;

Music / Is Megaman and Bass going to be finished anytime soon?
« on: October 20, 2005, 11:25:46 pm »
So, to ask the first on-topic question for this thread for a while: how is the Megaman & Bass/Rockman & Forte recording process going? I don't see either an SNES or GBA version available amongst the music pages, though I may have just missed it. If I missed it, what page is it on?

Music / Project X
« on: October 20, 2005, 11:17:34 pm »
I love the Project X Crash Man remix. It's just about the only Crash Man remix I've heard anywhere (admittedly the only other place I've been to is OCremix) that manages to retain the awesomely fun spirit of the original version.

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