TPH Forum

General => General Games => Topic started by: Razel on October 16, 2005, 02:10:19 am

Title: R.I.P.
Post by: Razel on October 16, 2005, 02:10:19 am
Has any of your Game Consoles died? My poor little Gamecube did

Indigo Gamcube
Died: Aug 21, 2005
Cause of Death: Over playage.

I still have it, its in a box in the corner of my room. Even my new Jet Black Gamecube will never replace the memeories i had with my first: Beating Giga Bowser, and Crazy hand for the first time on SSBM, Beating Super Mario Sunshine, Playing Animal Crossing till my brain Asploaded. *sigh*

It died on me right in the middle of Paper Mario: Thousand year door >.<  :(
Title: R.I.P.
Post by: Jehuty on October 16, 2005, 02:11:13 am
:( D'oh well. At least your memory card is okay.
Title: R.I.P.
Post by: Swiftman on October 16, 2005, 03:06:32 am
Sucky, Razel.

But worse, is the loss of my best friend for many years....

My Aptiva, my herald DOS computer.

After 12 years od faithful playing with very little errors, it does. *sighs* never to be played again...

I mean sure, Lazlo is going to help replace it with an even better comp, but it's like having a friend die and replacing it with someone better. The sentimental value on that thing was unlimited.....


But rambling I be. Someone else's turn?
Title: R.I.P.
Post by: Superyoshi on October 16, 2005, 09:33:54 am
Two, count em, two, Sega Genesis systems in my life had broken before.  The first one's problem was that the up button wouldn't work for any controller plugged into the first port, and the second I can't even remember.
Title: R.I.P.
Post by: Yaminomalex on October 16, 2005, 09:35:13 am
My SNES took a shit and died. I still keep it, hoping one day someone can fix it.
Title: R.I.P.
Post by: Sophih on October 16, 2005, 05:44:16 pm
lol funny ass topic
Title: R.I.P.
Post by: neothe0ne on October 16, 2005, 07:49:06 pm
All consoles work beautifully!!! Yay!!!

SNES:  Bought 1994?  Still works.
Game Boy Pocket:  Bought ???.  Still works.
Game Boy Color:  Bought ???.  Still works.
N64:  Bought 1999?  Still works.
GameCube:  Bought 2003?  Still works.
Game Boy SP:  Bought used in spring of 2005.  Still works.
Xbox:  Bought summer of 2005.  Still works.
Title: R.I.P.
Post by: Lazlo Falconi on October 16, 2005, 11:21:17 pm
Onyx GameCube: Died 2004.
Title: R.I.P.
Post by: BlazeHeatnix on October 27, 2005, 11:35:15 am
Well My PS 1 ( Big Rectangle Grey Type) is Still alive & The controler too & Nothing will kill it. My Ps1 is 6 Years old & it`s younger More Inteligent with Higher Performance & Quality But More Expensif & smaller That has already Internet Connection But I dont use it Brother is, 1 year old. & Finally the Smallest of them all but Even More Expensif & Newer that I only use It for Mp3 & Movies & Black With A Bigger Screen than Nintendo BS I mean DS, PSP 2 month old.
Title: R.I.P.
Post by: Monkeydog on October 30, 2005, 11:16:06 am
You have to almost be wanting to kill a Nintendo console to kill it.
I once flooded my GBA:SP(on purpose cause I'm a retard)and it still worked. >.>

Lets of my Genesis is dead.
I had a PSX die...kind of.It just got messed up because I used a 3rd party controller on it, so I could not save and only use that controller. v-v
My PS2 died, cause the PS2's hardware is a piece of junk...
Title: R.I.P.
Post by: Antha on November 04, 2005, 10:36:52 pm
My original Nintendo died a few years back, but then my aunt gave me hers so...  the games are still good! Still... I missed it when I didn't have it.
Title: R.I.P.
Post by: Swiftman on November 04, 2005, 10:54:05 pm
Oh, an NES, 8-bit, 1988, Antha? NICE. *still has a lot of games for it, and the console, but no working adaptor. >_<*
Title: R.I.P.
Post by: Lazlo Falconi on November 04, 2005, 10:57:53 pm
Quote from: "Swiftman"
Oh, an NES, 8-bit, 1988, Antha? NICE. *still has a lot of games for it, and the console, but no working adaptor. >_<*

Title: R.I.P.
Post by: Superyoshi on November 04, 2005, 10:59:34 pm
She could've gotten it in 1988, though.
Title: R.I.P.
Post by: Lazlo Falconi on November 04, 2005, 11:00:27 pm
Quote from: "Swiftman"
Oh, an NES, 8-bit, 1988, Antha? NICE. *still has a lot of games for it, and the console, but no working adaptor. >_<*
I need the console (and as awlays more games)
Title: R.I.P.
Post by: Swiftman on November 04, 2005, 11:36:34 pm
1985? All my NEs games that I rememebr say 1988 or newer when i start it up.

The NES didn't have a standard start up screen, like the Master System did..... heh.
Title: R.I.P.
Post by: Lazlo Falconi on November 04, 2005, 11:39:14 pm
Well, NES came out in 85, games were in production untill 94.
Title: R.I.P.
Post by: Superyoshi on November 04, 2005, 11:44:25 pm
Of course most people stopped playing NES around 1992-ish.  Notice how late games like Mega Man 5, 6, Battletoads and Double Dragon, TMNT 3.

This is also the reason why the original Japanese FF II and III were not released.  With Final Fantasy finally coming to US shores in 1990, II and III were already released in Japan, and it just wasn't worth the effort to translate the two games.
Title: R.I.P.
Post by: Razel on November 04, 2005, 11:47:06 pm
Eventually, Im going to buy a NES with The original LoZ cart. (And a LoZ 2 if i can find it) then ill get a SNES w/ A link to the past,
Title: R.I.P.
Post by: Swiftman on November 05, 2005, 01:35:36 am
Quote from: "Razel"
Eventually, Im going to buy a NES with The original LoZ cart. (And a LoZ 2 if i can find it) then ill get a SNES w/ A link to the past,

I can supply the Zelda II cart. Heh. I'm not going to be playing mine any more......
Title: R.I.P.
Post by: Lazlo Falconi on November 05, 2005, 10:26:10 am
I have two of each Zelda game, so I guess you can have some of my carts.
Title: R.I.P.
Post by: Swiftman on November 05, 2005, 09:55:00 pm
I used to have 2 Zelda II carts, but I gave one away to my friend. Heh.
Title: R.I.P.
Post by: Draconis on November 05, 2005, 11:36:33 pm
My N64 crapped out on me about four years ago, and my Dreamcast two years ago. All that money spent on games went straight down the drain.
Title: R.I.P.
Post by: Yaminomalex on November 06, 2005, 03:29:47 am
Quote from: "Sophih"
lol funny ass topic

Title: R.I.P.
Post by: BlazeHeatnix on November 09, 2005, 11:34:44 am
I`m waiting if my PS3 ( when I`m going to have it) will die Easely or Sturdy as Titanium.
Title: R.I.P.
Post by: Yaminomalex on November 09, 2005, 11:46:20 am
So your gonna waste tons of money to find out when it's gonna die?

How cute.
Title: R.I.P.
Post by: BlazeHeatnix on November 11, 2005, 11:45:57 am
Well I have alot of money.

My mother gains: 50000$ a year.
Father gains:30000$ a year.

Dont ask If I`m Fresh. I was fresh. It almost destroyed my Scolorship & I dont want to be something against my Nature. I hate Fresh.
Title: R.I.P.
Post by: Yaminomalex on November 11, 2005, 11:52:15 am
Quote from: "BlazeHeatnix"
Well I have alot of money.

My mother gains: 50000$ a year.
Father gains:30000$ a year.

Dont ask If I`m Fresh. I was fresh. It almost destroyed my Scolorship & I dont want to be something against my Nature. I hate Fresh.

It's a shame that  they don't spend that kind of money to get you the special help you so despratley need. ;O;
Title: R.I.P.
Post by: BlazeHeatnix on November 12, 2005, 03:51:09 pm
Quote from: "Yaminomalex"
Quote from: "BlazeHeatnix"
Well I have alot of money.

My mother gains: 50000$ a year.
Father gains:30000$ a year.

Dont ask If I`m Fresh. I was fresh. It almost destroyed my Scolorship & I dont want to be something against my Nature. I hate Fresh.

It's a shame that  they don't spend that kind of money to get you the special help you so despratley need. ;O;

AW MY GOD!! You're Pissing me off with ure lil insult form NOWHERE!
Title: R.I.P.
Post by: Lazlo Falconi on November 13, 2005, 08:04:42 am
Then don't pay attention to it.
Title: R.I.P.
Post by: Cosmoman on November 15, 2005, 11:52:39 am
You know, My first console to die was a game boy color, It was when I was still a kid, I forgot it in the oven, then my mother was cooking pizza, then you know what happened next, my game boy got chipped off on the pizza's surface, so when I ate it , I felt plastic chips , that's when I realized that my game boy was in the oven, but it was too late, the harddrive had short-circuited, all I did was to throw it in the garbage can and I got grounded for a month.
Title: R.I.P.
Post by: Cosmoman on November 15, 2005, 11:56:03 am
That damn image again!!! Who is responsible for giving that fucking <moving fingers> image to everyone? What is the site of that image? I'll send a deadly virus!!!
Title: R.I.P.
Post by: Lazlo Falconi on November 15, 2005, 12:44:04 pm
Wow. GameBoys don't have hard disks, and why, why, why was it in the oven in the first place? How many lobotomies have you had?
Title: R.I.P.
Post by: Jehuty on November 15, 2005, 05:26:42 pm
Quote from: "Cosmoman"
You know, My first console to die was a game boy color, It was when I was still a kid, I forgot it in the oven, then my mother was cooking pizza, then you know what happened next, my game boy got chipped off on the pizza's surface, so when I ate it , I felt plastic chips , that's when I realized that my game boy was in the oven, but it was too late, the harddrive had short-circuited, all I did was to throw it in the garbage can and I got grounded for a month.

.............. Gameboys in the ovens.......
Title: R.I.P.
Post by: Swiftman on November 15, 2005, 05:42:32 pm
Quote from: "Cosmoman"
That damn image again!!! Who is responsible for giving that fucking <moving fingers> image to everyone? What is the site of that image? I'll send a deadly virus!!!

He needs to learn what a sig is too...... heh. Good ol' Yamino, your sig has actually pissed off a rookie!
Title: R.I.P.
Post by: Jehuty on November 15, 2005, 05:54:34 pm
Quote from: "Cosmoman"
That damn image again!!! Who is responsible for giving that fucking <moving fingers> image to everyone? What is the site of that image? I'll send a deadly virus!!!

Umm........dude, that's something we call a signature or "sig" for short. A sig is a group of letters or an image you can have at the bottom of each post. Yaminomalex has that "moving finger" image as his signature.
Title: R.I.P.
Post by: BlazeHeatnix on November 16, 2005, 11:22:27 am
Hey Cosmo What do you hate so much in the Sig of Yamino
Title: R.I.P.
Post by: Cosmoman on November 16, 2005, 11:23:10 am
Well fuck that<Sig> you're talking about, and you go suck balls!!!
Title: R.I.P.
Post by: Lazlo Falconi on November 16, 2005, 11:25:24 am
Title: R.I.P.
Post by: Yaminomalex on November 16, 2005, 11:35:19 am
Quote from: "Cosmoman"
That damn image again!!! Who is responsible for giving that fucking <moving fingers> image to everyone? What is the site of that image? I'll send a deadly virus!!!

My friend, Sara.

BTW, you can't send her a deadly virus because she died recently. Even if she was alive, I doubt someone with the amount of patience,  such as yourself would have the nerve to make a virus.

Nice try.
Title: R.I.P.
Post by: Swiftman on November 16, 2005, 12:52:35 pm

Cosmoman, take these letters I am about to say with as much stride as possible, heed their message, and apply it to your daily life.

Title: R.I.P.
Post by: Byte Man Zero on November 16, 2005, 12:55:09 pm
Quote from: "Swiftman"
Cosmoman, take these letters I am about to say with as much stride as possible, heed their message, and apply it to your daily life.


Not even NMX has ever been as bad as Cosmo is being right now...
Title: R.I.P.
Post by: Swiftman on November 16, 2005, 12:57:40 pm
NMX has style and intelligence, Cosmo, sadly, lacks both.
Title: R.I.P.
Post by: Byte Man Zero on November 16, 2005, 12:58:56 pm
Wadda think I meant?*shot three times*

At least NMX is fun to argue with.
Title: R.I.P.
Post by: Swiftman on November 16, 2005, 12:59:46 pm
Especcially when he starts godmoding, so you godmode back. That was fun.
Title: R.I.P.
Post by: Cosmoman on November 17, 2005, 11:24:25 am
Yaminomalex!!! Wait until I get your head on a silver plate! Anyways, my most recent console to die is a PS1, which was thrown into my pool by my angry and mad brother.
Title: R.I.P.
Post by: Byte Man Zero on November 17, 2005, 07:14:20 pm
Quote from: "Cosmoman"
Yaminomalex!!! Wait until I get your head on a silver plate! Anyways, my most recent console to die is a PS1, which was thrown into my pool by my angry and mad brother.

Good luck there, since trying to RP Yamino is like trying to fight a Drunken Kung Fu Master!
Title: R.I.P.
Post by: Jehuty on November 17, 2005, 07:57:55 pm
Quote from: "Byte Man"
Quote from: "Cosmoman"
Yaminomalex!!! Wait until I get your head on a silver plate! Anyways, my most recent console to die is a PS1, which was thrown into my pool by my angry and mad brother.

Good luck there, since trying to RP Yamino is like trying to fight a Drunken Kung Fu Master!

Which is pretty much suicide.
Title: R.I.P.
Post by: Ringman on November 17, 2005, 08:11:38 pm

besides my cursed playstation 2, my NES, SNES, N64, GAMECUBE, and Gameboys all run rather well (well... besides my NES; that's why I'm trying to find a good top loader).
Title: R.I.P.
Post by: Byte Man Zero on November 17, 2005, 08:26:32 pm
Quote from: "Jehuty"
Quote from: "Byte Man"
Quote from: "Cosmoman"
Yaminomalex!!! Wait until I get your head on a silver plate! Anyways, my most recent console to die is a PS1, which was thrown into my pool by my angry and mad brother.

Good luck there, since trying to RP Yamino is like trying to fight a Drunken Kung Fu GrandMaster!

Which is pretty much suicide.
