TPH Forum
General => General Games => Topic started by: Sara_Of_Avalon on October 09, 2005, 01:05:28 am
I started this thread to post my creations as I make them.
This one is for Psylocke the game. For those who don't know Psylocke is a marvel character. The Box was made using art from Boris Valejo.
I will post another later on this thread.
OK here is another one.
I always liked Snarf.
I did this on the request of a friend of mine. I will take any requests for them.
Wow. A gamecube Thunder Cats game. Can't imagine that.
I did this on the request of a friend of mine. I will take any requests for them.
Bad fucking ass! Since im on "the kick" please make a Ghostbusters GBA cover.
Hey Crystalman here is one Ghostbusters GBA box. I hope its to your liking.
Let me know what you think.
I can also make Animated Avitars like the one I am using out of just about anything let me know if you want me to try to do one for you. No promises as I am still learning the whole animated Gif thing.
I forking <3 it!
I want you to have your children!
Glad You Like It.
Oh wow, very nice, Sara. I like them all. [the ghostbusters one especcailly, nice request, Crystalman!]
I have a request too....
A Descent game, any console, any cover, and I have MANY images to supply.
And if you need more, I have the game and l33t print scrn skillorz, so if it'd be no problem.... heh heh. [who saw this one coming?]
I'd be 1454% happy there was a Yaminomalex box art for a Yaminomalex videogame.
Naturally, the title would be some werid-ass random image to reflect my insane nature.
Yeah that be awesome if there was a Game Boy Advance game caleed Yaminomalex, I'd be the main villian and you'd play as Xelamonimay my good side, and you'd have to find a bunch of magic crystals to unlock my fortress.
Once you battle me you'd realize how impossible it is to stop me, so then the player gives up and throws the game in the trash for being so hard to beat.
I also did this one for another friend.
I will see what I can do for a Yaminomalex Game, I have to think up an idea worthy
enough to use. At least I think so it might take me some time.
Okay Yaminomalex I hope this one does some justice but I don't know, it took awhile I wish I could have done better with the title lettering but other then that, I think its pretty good let me know what you think.
Oh, nice job, Sara. Totally reflects Yamino's insanity.
Okay here it is Swiftman. Its my version of it, but I plan to do another version with your specifications, hope you like my version.
Okay Yaminomalex I hope this one does some justice but I don't know, it took awhile I wish I could have done better with the title lettering but other then that, I think its pretty good let me know what you think.
That is so fucking awesome.
Will you have my babies?
Awww, you're no fun.
Srsly, thanx.
*jaw ka-freakin drops*
*shakes head with a cartoon sound effect*
*can't go into photobucket right now to fetch brownie points picture*
Glad you like it.
Hey Yaminomalex I am glad you like that.
Sure thing.
Warning : My brain's overloading. It had a chocolate coating.
Warning : My brain's overloading. It had a chocolate coating.
P.S. : I'm a pretzel on a stealth mission to kill the prsident.
P.S. : I'm a pretzel on a stealth mission to kill the prsident.
Really now??? I guess that should be on Amusement Park Foods Gone bad. [/quote]
Sorries, I can't help myself sometimes.
Sara, I request you make Crystalman a Gameboy game!
That small link is some random pictures of me and other stuff for source material. Thankx yo!
well if your going to make a game for Crystal man then make one for me. After all i am a super hero.
Those are awesome! I especially love the Thundercats and Descent ones!
Hey, can you do for me a Minimalist Stick Figure Theatre ( DS game?
Here you go Crystalman.
Good thing for the M rating. *has thoughts of Rick James references in that game*
You own too hardcore, Sara.
Here you go Lazlo, hope you like it.
HA HA HA! NIIIIIIIICEEE!!! I like the AO rating.... *waits to see Laz's responce*
XD YES! Ao rating, even! Yesyesyes! Weee!!!!
And thus Lazlo Falconi pissed himself in glee. *steamroller'd*
Glad you like it Lazlo
And thus Lazlo Falconi pissed himself in glee. *steamroller'd*
No I didn't!
But how'd you know?
So you didn't like it? I can try to improve on it if you want.
Ah now I see, sometimes I am a bit slow.
Woman's intuition.
Kary told me you did it, so.....
Instead, I found a bitchen box art, real or not, on google.
THAT looks like a great game. I hope it's real.......
No, dude, I loved it! In fact, why don't you have my babies?
Hey Swiftman the box art Rox, I wonder if it does exist it seems feesable.
Lately a lot of people have been asking me to have their babies. So I'll pass right now as the
list of candidates is long and the process of selecting one person is a long long process. Also I
am in a relationship at the time being. I think that stops the candidate search.
Thanks, I didn't make it though.
I'm thinking Lazlo's googletastic skillorz may shed some light on this........
And dun worry, you're safe from me. Heh. [I'll loan you a mech, if you want....]
I rather have an Eva like Rae Ayaname's
Naah, I don't need you to have my babies, that's just my typical Lazlo respons (even to men). I have Faris for that.
Naah, I don't need you to have my babies, that's just my typical Lazlo respons (even to men).
So everyone gets that, kool. I'm still new here so I am learning.
Yeah, this is TPH. It's like the special ed gym class of the internet. </skull quote>
That game would PWN too hard. Yes, I think the ghost of Rick James would be my mentor as I went up against The Ed boys.
I asked to have your children. That eliminates me.
Truer words never spoken....
It's just funny that Skull can summarize TPH in one sentence...... And so effectively too....
But yeah, keep that in mind Sara, and you'll do fine on TPH.
I made a referance to Rae Ayaname from Neon Genesis Evangelion and so I made a quick box art of it.
I think a Neon Genesis Evangelion game would have an M rating...
The series was kind of like PG-13 though
Yeah, but ESRB is really strict...
zOMG!!1 Next thing you know, we have Tom and Jerry games rated M.
True. but then a game would most likely have you in an Eva fighting the Angels rather then going into personal lifes of the Eva Pilots. So I think it might get a Teen rating anyways. Unless for violance.
I don't really know... ESRB ratings mean nothing to me.
I've heard that in the US you have to be over 17 to even own an M rated game. [if that's true..... *does a happy dance for Canada*]
I think that is true but no game retailer really follows that unless they have a stick up their butt.
It's supposed to be that way. Some places do it, some places don't. Most don't. Wal-mart, however, does. Sometimes. Depends on the cashier.
Offtopic, I want Photoshop. Where can I get it..illegaly.
Here (
I have no idea. I inheareted Photoshop from my Dad when he gave me his old computer, I love using it too.
I have no idea. I inheareted Photoshop from my Dad when he gave me his old computer, I love using it too.
Stuff like that's fun. Especially when you can think of something to do with it. Can you make me a Lazlo Falconi ( game?
Sure I can do that.
Heh.... Make a Megaman 9 box art, but Swiftman as the 9th boss/recurring villian, Forte-esque kinda guy....
Maybe, Iunno. I have a neato sprite sheet of Swiftman, but only in 8-bits....
ANd I have Photoshop Elements, win 98 version, and I could probably rar/zip it from 60 megs to whatever it turns out to be.
But I still cant send it then....
Forte-esque kinda guy....
They're both the same guys...
Forte sounds better than Bass [at least how I pronounce Forte, anyways....]
Fine, I think Devon sounds like a better name.
It's not cool when people call you the wrong name, is it?
Har har. Devon makes me sound like a snobbish british lord. the exact OPPISite of what I am. *is wearing a black blue and white plaid jackshirt*
And What about Ga-*TEAMROLLER'D*
And Forte makes him sound like a tent kids build in the living room to fend of the evil minions of a clean house. I love those little sheet-forts.
Har har. Devon makes me sound like a snobbish british lord. the exact OPPISite of what I am. *is wearing a black blue and white plaid jackshirt*
And What about Ga-*TEAMROLLER'D*
That's what I thought. *steamrolls again*
I thought it was pronounced For-tay..... Ya know "Writing is my forte!" sorta thing.
I've done the same thing with other video games >>
I call him Bob.
Truer words never spoken....
It's just funny that Skull can summarize TPH in one sentence...... And so effectively too....
But yeah, keep that in mind Sara, and you'll do fine on TPH.
Wait... Make a Bacon Cheddar Ranch game! Burger King fro teh win!
Wow, I'm liking these a lot.
How about some Devil May Kart box art? <_< (PS2)
Devil May Kart thats a great idea I will make it.
Man, GIMP is hard to use. I want to make pretty pictures now!
You spelled "easy" wrong.
Hohoho! Im going without tutorials (as always) and im having trouble cutting certian parts of an image away or just adding another image to it.
I found that easy, and I didn't use any tutorials (I tried, but they confused the hell out of me.)
Tutorials always suck. They use werid wording and try to confuse the hell out of you.
Experiance is the best teacher. ALWAYZ.
I found that easy, and I didn't use any tutorials (I tried, but they confused the hell out of me.)
I tried a bunch of crap, and it just comfused me. How do you cut something away from a picture? I was fiddling around with the Pokemon Red start screen, and wanted to take away "red version" but didn't know how. I also wanted to add a Crystalman sprite in Ash's place, but couldn't resize Crystalman to fit his spot, or take Ash out of the picture for that matter. Help.
I am still working on the Devil May Kart game I have an idea for it but it is taking much more time then I had hope. This one for sure is not an easy one to do. It shall get done.
CJMErl: A CJMErl Adventures game would be can check out the thread for it in the General section or click teh link in my siggy (kudos to Lionlancer for teh GIF). If you need official artwork, PM me.
Yami CJMErl: This is gonna be SO cool~!
It'll be worth the wait. =)
Nothing, repeat, NOTHING, will beat the Descent one she made. *shot, since Yamino's was better*
Idunno, that Descent one did look like something you might see on the shelf...
CJMErl: Indeed. It's by far the most realistic-looking one of the bunch.
I hope to get more of these done soon. I doubt I will make any progress as I am hurting bad from this Bronchitus, was in the hospital last night. I will get to them soon though.
Oh..... take your time, Sara. You're more important than our box art desires. Make sure you jus t rest, relax and get rid of that Bronchitus. The box art can wait, m'kay?
CJMErl: I agree with teh Swiftman.
Yami CJMErl: Well, I don't!
CJMErl: *shoots Yami* That's because you're an idiot.
Thanks again Swiftman I plan to get plenty of rest even if I rather be doing other things.
Thanks CJMErl I appreciate the concern. Yami CJMErl I know your wishing me well too, even if you don't show it.
I'm wishing you well in my mind.
I'm not doing any better yet, if not a bit worse, but I believe I should be back to my old self soon, I hope. Take care may no one get what I have. It realls sucks.
I'm not doing any better yet, if not a bit worse, but I believe I should be back to my old self soon, I hope. Take care may no one get what I have. It realls sucks.
Quoted for truth.
CJMErl: Germs suck.
Yami CJMErl: I concur.
I am feeling a lot better today. Just getting my strength back now. Yay the cold is dissapating. I should have Devil May Kart up in a day or two. Yippy!!!!!!!!!
Whoo hoo! *does the Beagle Dance in celebration of Sara's good health*
Beagle Dance? Sounds fun, Oh and Thanks, Its great to be feeling better.
*Joins in with Swift* That's great, Sara!
I finally have a new one.
I don't think I do a great job with Backs of Boxes but what the hey thought I'd give it a try.
It says Mature on the cover and then teens on the back......... but besides that, it's frickin' awesome. Kudos to you.
Here is another
I'm a fan of Charmed don't know who else is...Anyways there it is.
I am! Alyssa Milano Rules!
Gawd I hate Charmed. It's the worst show ever! Err, well, it's slightly better than that other crappy one. Angel. Because of the hawt chicks. But still not worth watching.
At least you have the totally awesome Outlaw Star one from before to make up for that one.......
A Gundam Seed cover! YYYEEEEEEEAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! That'd be awesome!
You must make a G Gundam cover!!!
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO no G-gundam (shudders and washes off tongue from saying that word) is a descrace to the series!!!
It was funny....
if by funny, you mean, so horrible it was funny.
Blech, Gundam... Those mechs were hardly worth watching the show...
Only the original Gundam (series) and Gundam Wing were good (now the new Manga Ecol Du Ciel something like that is good too.)
I thought G Gundam was funny due to the cliched storyline and some voice acting.
true, but i thought the shinning finger thing was so stupid, it was helarious
Exactly. Or burning finger. Or Dark finger.
I've only read the Gundam Seed manga, and it kicked total ass. I especcially liked all those outer and inner conflicts of Kira. He battles day in, day out, in sleep and when awake, with very few people actually listening to him and caring, despite all the work he puts into everything.
But my favorite cahracter is still Flaga. His ship, the Moebius Zero, reminds the hell outta me of Axelay.
And, of course, Lacus Clyne is always an unforgettable character, even if you exclude those nicknamed the same.
But that's just the manga. I haven't seen the anime, but I desperatly want to.
I will work on a Gundam Box Art, not G Gundam as seems only Gundum or Gundum Seed Would be wanted.
I'm also working on Devil May Kart, Neo-Ranga, Noir, Inu Yasha, and Burn Up Excess.
I have quite a few things to work on, it will be fun.
Don't forget Lazlo Falconi II, The Reckoning!
I wont forget that
But Gundam seed, yeah, that'd be great!
Lotsa people like InuYasha. It's not all that bad. Even if it is grossly overrated.
Swift's first 5 seconds of Inuyasha:
"Oh no! She swallowed too much water! I have to breathe air into her!"
I turned the TV off right there......
So yeah, I dun like Inuyasha too much...... Kenya blame me?
Yeah, it is a bit over-the-top, but what anime isn't?
Exactly....... but whadda whadda wha?
Damn Must be young to do that. Young.... Mentally. I`m not saying that you are Special. Just young. Or Maybe you aren`t. Maybe ure older than me. Damn I`m sorry for calling you younger than me.
Damn Must be young to do that. Young.... Mentally. I`m not saying that you are Special. Just young. Or Maybe you aren`t. Maybe ure older than me. Damn I`m sorry for calling you younger than me.
I'm sorry, too. ='(
That damn and accursed gig of the <moving fingers>! Must I seee that gig everytime???
Don't look, then.
The bioroid speaks good advice.
That damn and accursed gig of the <moving fingers>! Must I seee that gig everytime???
No, but then again...
Table stretcher.
That's what I never got, why do people stretch the tables vertically? That's not annoying. Not at all, because that's easy to scroll by instantly. Now, if you stretch them horizontally, then it becomes a pain in the ass. Especially when someone makes a long post that has only one very large paragraph. Yewoch. Sideways scrolling sucks.
That's what I never got, why do people stretch the tables vertically? That's not annoying. Not at all, because that's easy to scroll by instantly. Now, if you stretch them horizontally, then it becomes a pain in the ass. Especially when someone makes a long post that has only one very large paragraph. Yewoch. Sideways scrolling sucks.
I only did that to make mine look cooler.
That's what I never got, why do people stretch the tables vertically? That's not annoying. Not at all, because that's easy to scroll by instantly. Now, if you stretch them horizontally, then it becomes a pain in the ass. Especially when someone makes a long post that has only one very large paragraph. Yewoch. Sideways scrolling sucks.
Somehow, for me, it autowraps the images so the tables are normal still, just on several lines. YO HO
Sideways scrolling sucks.
Lazlo=truth here.
Side Scrolling makes my mouse cry.
You must make a G Gundam cover!!!
G Gundam sucked...onlyone I liked was 008th MS Team...and Wing, somewhat. I heard Seed was good too but, it was pretty boring when I watched it...
*blows up*
G Gundam was funny. In a stupid way.
Reminded me of even gayer power rangers...
Reminded me of even gayer power rangers...
Monkey's in the lead...
That damn and accursed gig of the <moving fingers>! Must I seee that gig everytime???
What the fuck is a "gig"?
CJMErl: Stupid question...are there EVER going to be any more box arts here?!
Please resume the box related discussion, I'm still waiting for Devil May Kart, dammit!