TPH Forum
General => General Games => Topic started by: neothe0ne on September 30, 2005, 05:02:43 pm
Background Information:
Final Fantasy I has been ported to the GBA.
Final Fantasy II has been ported to the GBA.
Final Fantasy III is being ported to the DS.
Final Fantasy IV is being ported to the GBA.
September 30, 2005 - Square Enix may have shifted its portable gaming focus to the DS, but Game Boy Advance (and Micro) owners aren't being left out in the cold. Reports out of Japan indicate that the company will be bringing Final Fantasy IV (known in America as Final Fantasy II) to the system with updated visuals and gameplay systems. We currently know of just one of the improvements: character faces appear in text windows during dialogue.
FFIV may be just the first in a number of Final Fantasy revivals. Square Enix refers to the port as the first entry in the "Final Fantasy Series Port Project." Could FFV and FFVI also be set for revival?
Being the first entry in the "Port Project", that only leaves V and VI to be ported! And Final Fantasy V and VI were superior to all the Final Fantasy's before and after them on all consoles! Square Enix may yet come back to Nintendo next gen...
Now theres something we all can enjoy!! :D
^_^ OMG OMG OMG!!! They must port it quickly!!!!
Heh heh. Faris'll be happy to hear her fav FF game being ported to a portable console... Soon as she wakes up. *raises an eyebrow at her sleeping persona*
No, Jehuty! Only Lazlo can have Faris while she's sleeping!
Oh wait, the port.... yeah, it's looking cool. *anime headrub*
FF6 is one of my favorites. ^_^
FF6 is the last best Final Fantasy game ever made.
Finally, I knew someday Final Fantasy II, V, and III (IV, V, and VI as you people know them...) would be ported. Thank God.
yay! well, now I can own all the FFs I lilke, and you should know now, I dont like any of the 3d FFs
3 seems like vaporware (again)..who knows if the project gets carried out though. Don't get your hopes up yet for 5 and 6.
it''s all abouit the money. I already own, like every FF anyawyys. I'm not buying more.
After playing Final Fantasy 1&2 on my GBA, and being thouroughly disinterested, I can say I'm not looking forward to this. I'd much rather get the original games for SNES.
And... here come the screenshots.
Kick. Ass.
FF6 > FF7
Face it.
Thanks for pointing out the obvious.
Wow. That was really random, Yamino.
FF6 > FF7
Face it.
Everything > FF7*
FF6 > FF7
Face it.
Everything > FF7*
Let's not start this again. -_-
FF6 > FF7
Face it.
Captain Obvious strikes again.
FF6 > FF7
Face it.
Everything > FF7*
Thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaank you.
FF6 > FF7
Face it.
Everything > FF7*
I really hope FFVI does come out for the GBA. It's my favorite one.
I actually wish Square would port all their games to the GBA...Chrono Trigger, Live a Live, Bahumut Lagoon etc...
I actually don't. I'd rather see some more original material for the GBA. I think it already has enough ports on it.
I actually don't. I'd rather see some more original material for the GBA. I think it already has enough ports on it.
I can't remeber the last time I played a new Square-Enix game and had fun.
I actually don't. I'd rather see some more original material for the GBA. I think it already has enough ports on it.
I can't remeber the last time I played a new Square-Enix game and had fun.
Neither can I. Why break the chain?
I swear that if they retranslate ANY of Kefka's dialogue I am going to make sure no member of SquareEnix EVER procreates.
Seriously, Woosley's translation wasn't that good (better than FF7's anyway) but some parts of the script are just flat out better than thier japanese counterparts, for example:
Kefka in Figaro Castle, American version:
Kefka: Phooey! Emperor Gestahl's stupid orders!
Kefka: Edgar, you pinhead! Why do you have to live in the middle of nowhere?
These recon jobs are the pits!
Kefka: Ahem... there's SAND on my boots!
<Insert boot cleaning by soldiers here>
Soldiers: Yes, Sir! All set, Sir!
<Kefka Laugh here>
Kefka: Idiots!
Same scene as above, japanese version
Cefca: Fuck~! Emperor Gastrah's damn orders!
Cefca: Damn you Edgar! Why did you have to have your castle built here in the middle of nowhere?!
These reconaissance jobs are always such pains.
Cefca: Hey! there's SAND on my boots!
<Insert boot cleaning by soldiers here>
Soldiers: Yes, Sir! Your boots are clean, Sir!
<"Cefca" Laugh here>
Cefca: Useless morons!
I dunno, but I find the american counterpart much more entertaining.
and "Son of a submariner!" > "SON OF A BITCH!!!"
"Son of a submariner!" > "SON OF A BITCH!!!"
"Son of a submariner!" > "SON OF A BITCH!!!"
"Son of a submariner!" > "SON OF A BITCH!!!"
"Son of a submariner!" > "SON OF A BITCH!!!"
quoted 4x for extreme truth.
I'm in total agreement with the above poster. If they change ANYthing of Kefka, I'll make sure that NMX succeeds with his crusade.
Yeah it would suck to change it so that he was actually challenging as a final boss.
Yeah it would suck to change it so that he was actually challenging as a final boss.
Did you read my post? I said dialogue, not stats.
And yeah, they could make him a harder final boss, and goner should be defense ignoring.
Oh yeah.... Kefka was massively underpowered for how badass he is. ANyone that says things like "Nothing can beat the music of a hundred voices screaming in unison!"
The reason as to why Kefka was so weak is that the game's coding allowed only up to 65000 or so HP
So Kefka was near the max anyway.
Did you read my post?
Why would anyone do that? Other than blissful ignorance, but Bladegash has been around the internets a few times...
I was clearly replying to this post.
I'm in total agreement with the above poster. If they change ANYthing of Kefka, I'll make sure that NMX succeeds with his crusade.
Oh yeah?! Well, I have a stick!
( Jean Pelletier cares little of your shinanigins.
Final Fantasy sucks!!!
Ok new guy dont say it out loud . Just say I dont like FF. Me too I dont like it that much.
Final Fantasy sucks!!!
It's bird!
It's a plane!
No, it's Captain Obvious!
Final Fantasy sucks!!!
........... Hmm.... nice...... very constructive.
Aw cmon. Hes Insulting it like hell! He`s DUMPING it! I would kill him. He`s insulting it like Shit like -10/100!
But I wont kill him, hes my buddy.
Aw cmon. Hes Insulting it like hell! He`s DUMPING it! I would kill him. He`s insulting it like Shit like -10/100!
But I wont kill him, hes my buddy.
You and him are the same person.
It's so fucking obvious.
Also, before you lie to us and deny, how bout a good old IP check for the hell of it?
What the hell are you talking about? I tried Final Fantasy and it sucks like an old sock that hasn't been washed for years, but I won't kill anyone...
Aw cmon. Hes Insulting it like hell! He`s DUMPING it! I would kill him. He`s insulting it like Shit like -10/100!
But I wont kill him, hes my buddy.
You and him are the same person.
It's so fucking obvious.
Also, before you lie to us and deny, how bout a good old IP check for the hell of it?
It's not hard to get a picture of random people and say they're your "friends". Swiftman did this before, but he was actually good at it.