TPH Forum
General => General => Topic started by: Swiftman on August 28, 2005, 07:48:14 pm
Swiftman says:
August 28, random image day
Swiftman says:
Swiftman says:
that's practically all we're doing today
Stop! Lazlo time! says:
Stop! Lazlo time! says:
From now on, let it be written in the anals of history, that August 28th is random image day.
Swiftman says:
Stop! Lazlo time! says:
To later be expanded to Random Image and Groping Day.
Swiftman says:
It is written in the anals of time. There is no backing out of it.
Let from now on a TPH Tradition be started.
Random Image Day, August 28
Written: August 28, 2005
From now on, on every August 28, let the photobucket and imageshack accounts flow! The images shall be witty! Their timing will be perfect! Nothing can stop this TPH Tradition that shall soon sweep all wakes of the intraweb! We shall encourage this tradition to all forums that all TPH users go to!
Now.... What better way to celebrate random image day than with..... RANDOM IMAGES!
Gentlemen and ladies of TPH, READY YOUR GOOGLE IMAGE SEARCH AND (http:// TAGS!!!!!!!!!!!111!1eleven!!!!!
Yes, the broken image one is on purpose. I found it funny.
That's all from me. For now.
PEOPLE! The time is now yours to make the random images! POST AWAY!
And the official controller...
I love that human skull one!
I tossed my salad and now it doesn't like me.
I tossed my salad and now it doesn't like me.
Nothing you can say will ever make that sentence sound right.
Don't owrry it wasn't supposed to.
L. O. frickin. L Nice job, man.
Yaminomalex wins.
Yaminomalex wins.
I've been waiting a long time to hear that. >=D
It'll never happen again.
Eh, I didn't like it too much. But that's me.
I liked Laz's win 95 for NES better.
It'll never happen again.
You give me ebola. =(
yea i liked the NES cartridge too
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What...... The.... CRAP, Yamino?
Nice cat and sisters, herb. *shot*
What...... The.... CRAP, Yamino?
Nice cat and sisters, herb. *shot*
I got an entire harddrive locked and loaded on this stuff. =)
Random image day scares me now...
I await Random Image and Groping day '06 with consternation.
Sega CD boot up screen for da win!
Nice, SY. Nice.......
But, it's no Master System.
My fav console ever, next to the Genesis. Eat it, bitches.
Bah, Genesis kicked its ass if you ask me. The only great games I know of for MS are Alex Kidd In Miracle World and Phantasy Star.
Apparently YOUVE never spent 8 years playing Quartet, the Contra for the Master System.
And the Master System was my first console ever. Gimme a break. You know me. :roll:
Phantasy Star and Alex Kidd OWN3D the NES by themselves, though.
But the Genesis did have GUNSTAR HEROES...... And PS4..... And Chakan....... *shrugs* oh well.
dang that anubis pic is f-ing hilarious
Wait, we forgot to do the groping. Sorry Jody, but I have to.
Don't get angry, this is for professional purposes only, K?
Phantasy Star and Alex Kidd OWN3D the NES by themselves, though.
FOOL! The NES not only kicked the Master System's ass every day, it also stole it's lunch money, and used it to buy condoms to sex up Sega!
The result was the Dreamcast >_>
I dunno why. But the thoughts and images of a Nintendo and Sega getting it on....Sounds pretty nice. O_o probably because they're the best ever. Along with Capcom, Namco, Konami, and a few others.
And NES was the best ever.
I knew Trigger had to have something good going on in that head of his.
Phantasy Star and Alex Kidd OWN3D the NES by themselves, though.
FOOL! The NES not only kicked the Master System's ass every day, it also stole it's lunch money, and used it to buy condoms to sex up Sega!
And then the Master System got a bunch of STDs and shit right there, too.
OMG!!1 Teh Parthay 4re funz!!1 Congratulations, Yami. 100 posts for you. Whooo!!!
Man... and here I missed my parties for 100 posts, 1000 posts, 1337 posts, and 2000 post... Oh well, here's to 5000!
Random image day scares me now...
Just wait until Halleyween. >=D
My social life
HA HA! Nice, Jv. Nice nice and even more awesome heaped onto that.
I knew an army of gaybos ( was bent on destroying my dick!
That link doesn't work, though maybe I should be relieved that it doesn't...
Whoops, typo. Try again ;)
That was sarcasm to the max....
That was sarcasm to the max....
Or to infinty.............>_> <_<
But what if the max is infinity!?
anyway more random crap I made a while ago
Yes, that is my computer.
That's alot of songs. :shock:
SY uses win 98? NICE!
Dude, that's a Windows XP window right there. Notice the "sharing" option.
Oh, and how would I have known that?
Castlevania CotM - The Sinking Old Sanctuary
I should be listening to something right now, but I'm not...
Fight with Seymour(FFX) - Performed by The Black Mages
Erk! >_< Wrong thread. Bwoo!
WAIT! This isn't the What are you Listening to thread!
You posted before me. DAMN YOU CANADA!
Erk! >_< Wrong thread. Bwoo!
I a-got confuseded!
If you must be confused then at least confuse yourself again so that your backwords thinking is backwords which is the right way.
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I love that picture, Yaminomalex. I really do.
I love that picture, Yaminomalex. I really do.
Yeah, my friend sara made it.
Sara must join TPH now!
If she doesn't join, your kids will hate you forever.
Yaminomalex isn't going to have kids, though.
I hope so.....
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Yaminomalex isn't going to have kids, though.
Okay, if Sara doesn't join, my Mom will asplode!!!
Yaminomalex isn't going to have kids, though.
How'd you know I'm ausexual? ZOMG STALKER
Yaminomalex isn't going to have kids, though.
How'd you know I'm ausexual? ZOMG STALKER
What's asexual?
Doesn't need a mate, or doesn't have gender, I don't remember right now...
Yaminomalex isn't going to have kids, though.
How'd you know I'm ausexual? ZOMG STALKER
What's asexual?
zOMG!!! O_O Majik sp3ll!!1 HAHAHAHA!!!
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*steals from Jehuty's photobucket*
WTF!!1 Like OMG!!1
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FACT ONE: That first image is funny, whgat's it from?
FACT TWO: Dark Magician Girl is hawt.
FACT ONE: That first image is funny, whgat's it from?
FACT TWO: Dark Magician Girl is hawt.
Fact 1: Image one was from Bleach. I've seen the episode that was from.
Fact 2:...nah, Catgirls are better.
Nuh uh. Zombie girls are better.
I'll take real girls over anything.
I hear that. Except there is a werewolf girl I know. She's kinda crazy.
I'll take real girls over anything.
REAL Women are not safe from Lazlo Falconi. D=
I'll take real girls over anything.
REAL Women are not safe from Lazlo Falconi. D=
Any kind of women are not safe from Lazlo Falconi.
No, just one woman. Oh, and Jody. *shanked*
I've been liking that sprite girl kind recently...... But I certaintly won't say no to the following:
1. Succubus girl
2. Catgirl
3. Pixel chick [the afore mentioned sprite girl does not mean 8-bit girl. Nor does pixel girl. <_<]
4. Wolf Girl
5. Dog girl
6. Mummy Girl
7. Zombie girl [with Febreeze provided]
8. Plent girl
Or..... Practically anything ending in girl..... >_>
Even Mangirl?
even retarded boneless girls?
The Green Biker Girl is pretty hawt. Though I kinda missplaced her picture...I'll find it as soon as I can.
^True story. Who knew a recolored dude would look so good?
O_o Its just a recolored biker dude? Does that make him a tranny?
But he was the green biker dude, then he turns to the green biker girl....
I actually think she was a purple biker chick.
Oh, well thats completly different.
Duh, of course it is!
But how can a robot be a chick anyway?
But how can a robot be a chick anyway?
Cybernetic organism?
But how can a robot be a chick anyway?
Cybernetic organism?